Chapter 17

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Third p.o.v.

Y/n: "So, I'm guessing the first order of business is that War loving Maniac I killed a few days ago right?"

Azazel: "That was you who killed him? I though it was-"

Y/n: "Ohohoh, of course it was me. Do you really believe one of the Gremory kids could kill a leader class fallen angel? No offense."

Rias: "Some taken."

As Sona and Rias finalized the report on the Kokabiel case, It was quickly dropped for the actual peace agreement.

Azazel: "Now with that out of the way, let's just make peace and be done with it. After all that's the reason for this grand meeting isn't it?"

Y/n: "You seem in a hurry. What's so important that you want to get this over so quickly I wonder?...loona, would you be a dear?"

Loona: "I got ya smiles."

Loona quickly made her way out of the meeting room, leaving a few of the ones present with  questionable looks on their faces.

Serafall: "where did you send her?"

Y/n: "I'm disappointed...your all the highest call of your factions, and you don't feel the magic energies that entered the school grounds?"

A few looks of confusion were directed towards the Radio Demon. That was however, until everything around them was frozen in time.

Y/n: "Oh, that's new. Didn't know you had someone with time stopping abilities withing your Peerge Rias Hahaha!"

Most of the ones present were shielded by some form of magic they possessed. Others however were frozen in time. Almost immediately after, outside explosions began to occur. Everyone present in the room made there way towards the window to see people with robes on magic circles firing lasers towards the school building.

Issei: "Who are those?

Y/n: "Magicians...humans with magic powers ..."

Serafall: "How rude! I'm a real life magic girl and they are flat out ignoring me!"

Y/n once again put his hand on his face and slowly dragged it down.

Y/n: "How can something like that be your biggest concern?"

Michael: "But...what is this power?"

Azazel: "it's the Vampire boy."

Issei: "You mean Gasper?"

Cherri: "No you moron! They mean Alucard himself! Of course this Gasper from your Peerge! "

Y/n: "The issue should be resolved shortly. Loona will make quick work of the magicians and bring this Gasper here."

Rias: "Will she-"

Y/n: "Kill the magicians? Oh of course she will! Just like I will kill all of them!"

Issei: "But they are humans! I thought you wanted to protect them!

Y/n turned his head to Issei, his grin widened even more that it usually does.

Y/n: "They lost the protection when they attacked a building I was sitting in!"

The Radio Demon opened the palm of his hand and a magic circle formed. Shortly after he clenched his fist hard enough to draw blood.
A few moments later screams were heard outside, as all the magicians were individually pulled into a dimensional rift by black tendrils.
However as soon as they were gone, A new wave of magicians was pouring into the school grounds.

Y/n: "Ahh, seems like someone in here's a traitor and keeps up a teleportation circle."

Rias and Issei on the other hand used a switch with her left over bishop piece to enter the old schoolhouse to help Gasper.
Inside the meeting a magic circle opened, and a woman stood next to everyone.

Azazel: "What are you doing here?"

Serafall: "Explain yourself!"

Sirzechs: "Katerea Leviathan, descended of the first Leviathan."

Katerea: "I'm here to cause chaos and destruction!"

With her staff, she created a powerful explosion that destroyed the first and second floor of the school completely, forcing the ones present to teleport to the field next to it. The three leaders of the factions put up a defensive Barrier to gain protection in the open field.

Y/n: "That bitch almost scorched my good Suit!"

Serafall: "That's what you're worried about!"

Y/n: "It's a good Suit! You wouldn't understand miss magic girl."

Katerea: "My the three great forces put up a defensive Barrier. Adorable and pathetic."

Y/n: "The way you talk makes me want to vomit. Your voice is annoying."

Katerea: "And who are you supposed to be?"

Y/n: "Man....your a descendants of the first Leviathan right? Meaning your probably old as hell, meaning you.should know about me!"

Katerea: "Old?! How dare you!"

Y/n: "You're messing with the wrong Entity lady... And I'm getting suck of this meeting. So, you must die."

Katerea: "I'd like to see you try."

As she was about to float up into the Air, a portal opened above her. A black one. Spider like legs made their way towards The Leviathan descendant, and grabbed her by arms, legs and head. She tried struggling but to no avail.

Katerea: "W-what is this! What are you?!"

Y/n: "I don't like getting my hands dirty since I'm a demon. So I'll let this Entity take care of you in its own realm. Maybe you are dead by daylight, but what do I know. Tata my dear!"

She continued to scream her lungs out, untill she was silenced by the portal closing behind her. The radio Demon simply watched as she was dragged out of the dimension.

Y/n: " Sometimes I wonder where I send all these souls to.........then again not my problem Hahaha!"

Loona: "Smiles! We're back!"

Y/n turned around, and saw loona along with Rias, Koneko, The vampire Gasper and Issei joining the group.

Y/n: "Ah, there's my Hellpuppy! Everything went well I'm guessing?"

Loona: "Y-yes... if course. Not in front of people!"



I swear if this keeps up, this book will have more reads than 'Tied to the enemy" before chapter 25. Holy shit .....

Anyway hope you enjoyed it! And don't forget.

Stay tuuuned

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