Chapter 40

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After getting an invitation to attend a live broadcast from the two teams interviews, Y/n made his way there alone, trying to give the three girls time to rest after their... Well.... Experimental night with a chameleon.
Once he arrived, the interview was already going on, so when he entered the room all eyes were on him, most of them frightened.

Y/n: "Why was i summoned to this interview? I am not part in any peerge so what good does my presence do?"

Reporter: "Mister Radio Demon, will you be watching the Rating game between these two houses?"

Y/n, with a toothy grin turned to the reporter.

Y/n: "Nope."

All eyes were now on him. All of them wide.

All: "Eh?! Why??"

Rias: "But aren't you always looking for entertainment for your bordom?"

Issei: "Yeah! Are you saying the game will be boring?!"

Y/n: "It is boring to someone that alright can with 99.9% accuracy predict the outcome. So yes. It'll be boring to me.

Reporter2: "you mean you already know who'll win?"

Y/n: "Yes indeedy. I won't say who seeing as both groups are rather strong. But I'll give you guys the benefit of the doubt. I'll watch the first fight, if it comes true to my prediction, I'll leave."

Rias: "I guess that sounds fair..."

Y/n: "Good, and now you reporter folk, please don't ask any perverted or humiliating questions when it comes to the red dragons Power. The young rias is embarrassed enough as is, so would you kindly?"

All reporters: "Yes, of course!"

Y/n: "Good, now, is that all? If so i have a few residents to take care of at the hotel."

Reporter: "No more questions toward the radio demon?"

The crowd of reporters shook their heads and the radio demon bowed before sinking and disappearing into his shadows... Only to reappear in the hotel lounge to find a still exhausted group of girls.

Y/n: "I see the three of you finally awoke from your slumber?"

The girls looked at him, loons and cherri giggled while ilia was blushing up a storm.

Loona: "Sorry if we kept you up smiles."

Cherri: "Yeah, sorry, but we just couldn't control ourselves with this cutie here. Her tongue is just incredible~."

Ilia by now changed colors completly to a shade of red as she sat between the two girls.

Ilia: "I'm...uhm...glad you liked it so much..."

Y/n: "Well, I'm glad you girls get along so much. But if you'll excuse me, I'll be just on my way again shortly.

Loona: "what are you up to smiles?"

Cherri: "Helping that redhead again?"

Y/n: "Well, not Helping persay... But seeing as neither of these imbeciles can make the right move, i guess i have to see what is going on in that perverts mind."

Loona: "Wait wait wait, you wanna help these two get together?! Why though?!"

Y/n: "Loonie, call it old fashioned, because when i was a human, chivalry was dying. And in these two...i kinda see myself and Charlie. It took so long to be with her, all because she didn't trust me for so long, while in this case he has something buried in his subconscious that blocks him. And who knows, maybe there's another favor to add to the list. Hahaha!"

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