Chapter 37

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With the basic premise of why Yakasa had been kidnapped revealed, everyone present started to mobilize and make their way to their respective stations. The sitri peerge will protect the Kyoto area, while the Gremory Peerge as well as Irina, and accompanied by Loona, Cherri, Saji and even Y/n will be the offense again nijo Castle. Azazel supposedly asked someone for help with the situation. He also got two bikes of phoenix tears for both peerges, and mobilized people from all factions to help against cao cao.

After everyone was gathered at the Kyoto station, a thick purple smoke enveloped the group once again. This time sperating them, and putting them once again in a dimensional rift.

Y/n: "My, back in a rift huh? At least i can let loose if need be without damaging the surroundings."

Looking around him, he saw loona and Cherri Bomb were with him.

Y/n: "You two okay my dear?"

Loona: "I think so."

Cherri: "Everything fine with me smiles!"

Good, guess the disguises are obsolete now."

Tapping his mic against the ground, red smoke surrounded the three, turning them into their demonic selfes as the tried to see where they are. It's when they realized they were back on the bride from before.
As the trio started to go into direction of nijo Castle, the ground around the lit up, as once again anti devil monsters rose from the ground, surrounding them.

Y/n: "You know, i don't understand why they would send a kid like you here alone to try and stop one of the most powerful demons hell has ever had hahaha! Shouldn't you be in daycare little one?"

At the end of the bride, leonardo, the user of the Annihilation Maker revealed himself.

Leonardo: "I may be a kid, but that didn't stop cao cao from pulling me into his ranks. And thanks to my sacred gear, I'll help him with everything i can!"

The monsters got into position, and fired at the three with a concentrated light beam from all directions, erupting in a massive explosion in the center. Leonardo was sure this was it for the three, and smiles as such. But when the dust had settles, the radio demon stood in the center, mic raised, and a red done shielded the three of them.

Y/n: "I am interested in that little toy of yours though...maybe I'll just take it from you. And the rest of you will land on a plate, with some nice fava beans and a nice chianti....loona, Cherri you know the drill."

Loona revealed her claws, while Cherri pulled out a few bombs. The two of them made quick work of the anti devil monsters, and all three started closing in on leonardo, who desperately tried to summon more monsters to block their path while he tried running away. But to no avail, as loona and Cherri took out all the newly appearing monsters, the Radio Demon used his shadow manipulation to appear in front of a terrified Leonardo and grabbed him by the chin to lift him to eye hight.

Y/n: "You know, i promised my darling to stop the cannibalism as long as I live with her in the Hotel... but the thing it really cannibalism if you are human and I'm a demon? Hahaha!"

Leonardo looked like he was about to piss himself and alastor simply reached into the boys chest to grasp and steal his sacred gear.  After y/n ripped the powers from leonardo's body, He became unconscious, and all the still standing anti demon monsters disappeared.

Y/n: "Now to keep you fresh for later..."

Underneath leonardo, y/n shadow extended, as multiple tendrils reached out, and grasped the boy, securing him within the shadow until lunch.

Y/n: "Now then...what to create....ahh!"

Y/n held out his mic, and soon the shadows from the sacred gear enveloped it. As the shadows disappeared, the mic still looked the exact same. But y/n lifted the cane up, and pointed it's bottom end at the mountains in the distance. Using his left arm as a bit of stabilisation (like alucard from hellsing) a concentrated beam shot out of the end, and blasted a large hole right trough the mountains.

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