Chapter 26

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Third p.o.v.

Shortly after the debacle with Loki in the underworld, Normality was supposed to come back into people's lives with the beginning of a new semester in Kuoh Academy.

Y/n, like before, was going to take over History Classes. And in addition, Loona, Cherri and now, Irina were also part of his Class. After he entered the Classroom, he quickly introduced the Girls to the Class to refresh everyone about then since before, they joined on the last school day. After introductions and a wink from Cherri Bomb, Y/n proceeded with his class about a German Group who tried using a special Element to create an army of undead to win the Second World War.

Even though Y/n Was teaching class like nothing, in the back of his mind, He was thinking of something to ask of Good ol' Sirzechs.
Just after school ended and Y/n finished with his last class, he settled on one thing, making is mischievous smile grow from ear to ear.

Once he left the Building, he saw his two companies wait for him at the School Gates.
The two immediately noticed y/n grin and how determinant he walked towards a dark Alley.

Loona: "Alright Smiles, what's with that grin? You got some grand plan?"

Y/n: "Hahaha, maybe. I think we'll pay Lucifer's little sister a visit for now till the man himself arrives."

From outside the Alley, a glimpse of a red light quickly vanished, indicating the use of a transportation circle.

Inside the Hyodou... At this point mansion. A Valkyrie was crying her eyes out on the couch while Akeno tried consulting her. In front of the table, the Red Circle with a Key for an emblem opened.

Rias: "oh This can't be good..."

Y/n: "Oh don't pretend like you're not happy to see me darling!"

From the Circle, oy Loona and Cherri bomb materialised, while Y/n appeard next to Rias with an Arm around her shoulder.

Y/n: "I know you all missed me just as much as I missed you!"

Xenovia: "So not that much?"

Y/n: "Exactly! Hahaha!"

Using his shadow manipulation, Y/n quickly vanished next to Rias, and appeard in a seat at the end of the Couch table. He looked around as if he was searching for someone.

Y/n: "Your dear brother isn't hear by any chance?"

Rias, confused, shook her head, disappointing the Radio demon.

Y/n: "Well that's just to bad, I have a favor to ask him."

Rias: "But didn't you already use your favor to get your own territory? I only know from the two favors I owe you."

Y/n: "My dear, why do you think I was there, just before Issei got eaten?"

Her eyes widened as she realized she had fallen into a little trap.

Rias: "My brother send you to help with Loki?"

Y/n: "Hahaha, he sure did. However if Issei didn't need my help, the deal would have been nullified. And you offering a second deal for saving your precious pawn was part of my scheme."

Rias hair flavored up ever so slightly, indicating her anger rising. As well as all Eyes present, narrowing down on the Radio demon.

Rias: "You tricked and manipulated me..."

Y/n: "I sure did! Now then where's your brother dear?"

Rias: "Like most of the time, in the underworld. And Y/n..."

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