Chapter 20

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Even though most people said to go with the Alastor shirt, I felt like The Cherri Bomb one was calling to me, so that's what I went with! Hope it arrives soon though.
Third p.o.v.

Y/n and his too Companions found themselves sitting in their own part of the Gremory Families personal train to their estate. Loona, like most of the Time, was on her Phone, and Gerri bomb was playing with her Bombs. Y/n on the other hand simply enjoyed they View outside of the Window. Suddenly however to Train pulled all breaks, causing the three to fall forwards, and onto the Ground face first.

Y/n: "Goodness me. A warning would be appreciated next time."

The group pulled themselves together as the Door to their part opened, revealing Azazel and Rias herself.

Y/n: "Would one of you inform me why the Hell we stopped in the middle of the Abandoned part of Hell?"

Azazel: "A Test."

Loona and Cherri raised their Eye Brows, while Y/n narrowed his, keeping his smile however.

Cherri: "A test? For what?"

Azazel: "For Rias' Peerge. To see their coordination without their King."

Rias: "Azazel claims I spoil them to much so-"

Loona: "But... You do."

Rias looked at the Hellhound like she just insulted her Family and was about to argue. She was cut off by loona once more though.

Loona: "Take the Cat I trained for Risers fight for example. It's clear she could use her Nekomata Powers, however she refused to. Tragic backstory or y/n knows what. The fact of the matter is you didn't properly train her or help her to get over whatever the fuck is holding her back from using her powers. She could be so much stronger, but is held back by something from her past and by her Master. And don't you dare try to argue because you KNOW I'm right."

Cherri and Y/n both looked at the Hellhound between them with a surprised look. They never seen her go of like this before for someone she barely know.

Y/n: " All it takes is one sniff, and Loonaknows exactly what she's dealing with. You all should be much stronger. But it's held back by the fact you all live to casually. We would love to watch your little test exercise, but I gotta see your brother. Tata my Dear!"

A magic Circle surrounded to trio before Rias could try to somehow defend her behavior as a master/King.

Meanwhile within the Gremory Estate, A Magic Circle opened in the middle of the courtyard in front of the house itself.

Y/n: "My oh My. The Devil's these Days really love showing of their wealth and Titel."

Before they could walk one to many steps however, multiple Guards rushed to the courtyard.

Guard: "why are you trespassing Gremory territory without permission?!"

Y/n: "Didn't Sirzechs Sister told you I was coming? My how.... Disappointing."

Guard: "I won't ask-"

Sirzechs: "It's fine. Let him pass."

From inside the mansion looking house the Devil king himself stepped out to welcome his new guests. Quickly after his command his guards took their leave.

Sirzechs: "Radio Demon...what are you doing here?"

Y/n: "You see I was going to arrive with your sister and her Peerge, but seeing as they did some kind of test with Azazel I thought why not go on ahead. As for WHY I'm here. Let's just say I'm here to cash my payout."

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