Chapter 4

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"Hell-lo" normal talking
"Hell-lo" whisper/thinking
"Hell-lo" demon transformation

Also in the normal demon form he has he's trademark Radio Voice

Y/n: "Soooo what will it be sweetheart?"

Y/nstill stood in front of Rias with his hand extended towards her. She looked around the Room to see the expressions of her friends and Peerge. Most looked a little sceptical about the whole situation, but Rias was in a difficult situation.

Accept the help of one of hells most powerful  yet mischievous beings, of deny it, and train without his help to get out of the arranged marriage.

Rias: "I...accept your help, but only if you promise not to stab us in the back."

Y/n: "Don't worry my dear, I promise you. I'm a man of my words."

The grin he was giving her...she didn't know if she could really trust someone who slaughtered enough Devil's to bring her into that situation. Nevertheless, she shook his hand. He immediately pulled her towards him, where his and her face were barely a few inches apart, making Rias turn as Red as Y/n Eyes.

Y/n: "This is going to be very entertaining! We better not waste any time and go tomorrow morning! Pack your things, and then let's go Hahaha!"

With that, The Radio Demon left the Room, thinking on what to do, when it hit him.

Y/n: "No matter how I train these fools, they will lose... She never properly trained with them..."

Back in the ORC, Rias fell into her seat with a big sigh after all that just unfolded. A certain Dragon Emperor still looked like he has no idea what just happened.

Issei: " Soooo what's the Deal with Smiles exactly?"

Asia: "Uhm...I'd...also like to know."

Akeno: "To give you the short version, Y/n was once a serial Killer back in the 1900. After he died, he appeard in the Underworld, with powers no mortal soul should have. He partook in the Great war as his own side. The current great Satan's say he was the reason The original 4 Devil King's lost their life's during that War."

Issei and Asia stared in disbelief, that someone so powerful offered their help.

Asia: "Well, then it's a good thing he's on our side...right?"

Kiba: "Don't think because he helps us that he's on our side. Like Akeno said, he's on his own side. He's a wildcard. We have to be careful around him."

Rias: "Kiba is right, while he's at the school, and while we are training with him, keep your guard up."

All: "Yes President!"

Issei: "Uhhh one more thing, does he also have a Peerge?"

Rias: "He probably has associates, but no one knows if her even has a set of evil pieces. Maybe while everyone thought he was dead, he might have put together a Peerge."


In the Underworld, a redhaird man was currently sitting at his desk looking over some papers, when a redagic circle transported the supposed strongest Queen into his office.

Grayfia: "Sirzechs! I have urgent news!"

Sirzechs, Rias brother and currently the bearer of the Lucifer Titel Looked a bit shocked that his Queen was so riled up.

Sirzechs: "What is it Grayfia?"

Grayfia: "HE, is back..."

Sirzechs leaned forwards resting his arms on the table.

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