Chapter 34

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Back in the hotel during the late evening, Y/n was sitting in his room on his own, while Loona and Cherri Bomb cuddled up in the room next door.
While sitting in his chair, it looked like Y/n was talking to himself.....or was he?

Y/n: "So, to summarise this, This wing of the Khaos Brigade has Kidnapped Yasaka to use her as a lure for Great Red?"

???: "indeed, that's all the information I was able to gather at the moment Y/n."

Y/n: "Well done my dear. Do me a favor and try to find out more about the individuals involved. Any information is good. Knowing you, you'll do your best to...blend in."

???: "ugh, you know I hate your puns!"

Y/n: "Hahaha. I'm sorry my dear. Now ta-ta my dear."

???: "Later Y/n."

The window of the Room opened and closed on its own as Y/n walked to the Rooms Door, taking a little midnight stroll.
As he left the Room, he was promptly run over by a certain Valkyrie.

Rossweisse: "Ow! I'm so sorry Y/n i didn't mean to-"

Y/n: "My dear Rossweisse, what are you doing out at such an Hour?... And even naked to that extent."

The Valkyrie looked down on herself and saw
she was still sitting in the Radio Demons lab.

Rossweisse: "Oh my God I'm sorry you have to see this! Please pretend like this never happened!"

Y/n: "Calm yourself my dear. Everything is alright. Helping her up from the ground, the Radio demon snapped his fingers, and Rossweisses naked form was covered by a white kimono with red accents. Rossweisse looked down at herself and then back at y/n.

Y/n: "There we go. Feeling better Dear?"

Rossweisse: "I...uhm...well yes, it's beautiful thank you Y/n. How can I repay you for this?"

Y/n: "Don't worry about that. I may not always do things for free, however I still am a Gentleman. Good night my Dear."

Without looking back, y/n was trying to get to the stairs, but was promptly stopped when Azazel walked up the Steps.

Azazel: "Ah, good, exactly who I was looking for."

Y/n: "what is it you need you oversized Crow?"

Azazel: "Well, i was looking for you and Rossweisse. We are having a meeting. As per request by Lady Leviathan."

Y/n: "There goes my peaceful night stroll."

With a deep sigh, y/n walked over to the door loona and Cherri were staying in.

Y/n: "Loonie, Cherri dear, would you kindly get your butts up and to the meeting hall? We have business to attend."

Without waiting for the girls, y/n decided to go ahead and walk to the meeting with Azazel and Rossweisse.

Not long after arriving, loona and Cherri Bomb joined the table, making them the last to arrive.

Serafall: "The Chicken is totally delicious, everyone Please dig in."

Y/n: "Serafall dear, may i compliment your attire? Because it definitely suits you more than your Magical girl outfit"

Serafall: "I don't know if I should feel good for the compliment, or bad because to talked down my magical girl outfit meanie!"

Y/n: "Take it however you will. Now then, what brings you here?"

Serafall: "Oh I'm here because I'm forging and Alliance with the Youkai. So it's strictly business. Unfortunately something terrible has happened."

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