Part 3 🌼

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[Hello 👋 everyone. How are you all.
I guess you are fine. Me too. So here's something I need to announce/tell.
FROM  this chapter Mu Qing , Feng Xin , Shi Qing Xuan , He Xuan , etc will appear. The others exept Xielian will have their past memories.and some other things you will have to find yourself by reading on. And oh yeah , don't worry our masked boy Xielian is a little bit younger than Hua Cheng. Thank You 😊. Hope you enjoy.
                               --- Author✓]®

Spring has come, beautiful flowers blooming everywhere , with birds chirping and butterflies flying from flower to flower. Its as if mother earth has changed her clothing from chilly winter to spring. Too beautiful.

Not only the weather has changed marking the new sweet season but it has also marked the begining of new classes for the students too. with new books and attires everyone gets ready for their new semesters.

Ring...ring....ring... A quite shuffle. Bhow .....bhow.. bhow bhow.... the little dog started jumping on xielian's stomach while barking. Still getting no response it started licking his face. " uh- huh . um ..... st.. Stop. PleaSE. " Xielian finally woke up and petted rye's head. "Good morning little one.'' He said while petting him. Xielian looked outside the window after partying the curtains. He sighed and got up to get ready for his first day of school after vacation. After cleaning himself and his tiny apartment he proceded to make some breakfast. After eating and petting rye for the last time he headed outside. He greeted Mrs Yi and she greeted him back wishing him a good day. After greeting a few others of his neighbourhood he slowly started walking towards the bus stop. He waited for some moment when he saw a red audi car passing by. "hm'' he looked at it as his heart started beating very fast and his cheeks getting hot. He didn't understand why something like this  was happening after seeing the car. "ITS NOT LIKE SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN RIGHT.'' he thought to himself as got in the bus and sat at his usual place.

It was a 20 minutes ride to school from Xielian s neighbourhood. It was quite near actually but still he prefered going through bus rather than walking.

When he got to school it was still early. he always prefered this time. He doesn't have any friends at school . He used to have friends but they left him after his parents died. well he stopped caring about these things and as if sealing himself from the world he started living alone. He still had many admirers but he didn't care. If anyone greets him then he greets them back politely. He aalways have been gentle and honest still he feels its a lie.

He was sitting inside his new classroom . There weren't many out there. he rested his head on the desk .b When he heard someone coming towards him. someone tapped his shoulders . He looked up only to meet with a person in red. He was wearing a black t shirt and a red jacket with black skinny jeans. His raven hairs were shoulder length. A single black eye was looking at him. The right eye was hidden beneath a black eye patch. The man seem to have noticed his gaze and chuckled slightly. " um . I wanted to ask if anyone is sitting on this seat. If not may I ?''  The voice was a little deeper than it should be. ''No , noone is here. You may seat.'' He said. He didn't know why but his heart was beating so fast it threatened to burst. The boy nodded and sat beside him. Xielian was not sure but felt a constant gaze on him from the other side. but soon the room was full with students and the teacher came in. Xielian sighed inwardly.

The first class was nothing more than introduction of the students with the teacher. It was just one of those things that Xielian didn't like anymore. He sighed as he looked outside the glass window. He was too tired already. He just wished this day would end soon.

"Hey." The boy next to him called out.
Xielian turned towards him. "Hm."

"Well, it seems like you are distracted for some reason. I just wanted to ask if you are okay." The boy said  knitting his brows.

The masked boy (heaven official blessings fan fiction:-❄️🎄 Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now