Part 7

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Xielian woke up from his trance after whole two hour. He looked around and saw he was alone in the hospital room. He noticed it was dark.
He looked at the clock and saw 11:47 pm. Then suddenly he realised something. He was alone lying on a hospital bed and it's dark outside. All kinds of horrible things came to his mind. A 17 year old boy all alone in the middle of a hospital bed. Suddenly he felt something coming. He gasped. What is happening? He was shocked.
Is that a ghost. He thought.

The door to his ward opened with a "Crick" Now Xielian is really scared.
Something came to his bedside. He felt something cold touch his forehead. And before he knew anything he had kicked the person and he himself  crawled to the other corner of the bed.

"Wh-who are you?" He asked.

Suddenly the lights came brightening the room and then only Xielian saw who it was. He really didn't know what to say now.

It was Hua Cheng.

Hua Cheng got up from the floor rubbing his butt and looked at Xielian with pout in his face.

"Xielian." He pouted

Xielian could not take so much cuteness and started laughing.

"Hahaha... San Lang Hahaha.
You haha... Hahaha. What are you doing... haha here in the middle of night. Hahaha." He spoke with difficulty.

Hua Cheng smiled and walked towards Xielian. Xielian gulped seeing Hua Cheng advancing towards him like that. But Hua Cheng sat opposite to him and said softly. "It's not what you think. I am sorry for scaring you.
Actually it was because my mother was  also admitted here. She was taken back to her ward which is three rooms away from here after you fell unconscious. I am sorry for my mother's action before. " He said .
Xielian patted his shoulder ,"it's okay .
No need to say sorry. But......" He stopped.


"No it's just that. Your mother what happened to her. She was completely fine before." He asked looking at Hua Cheng . Hua Cheng sighed and said,"Well ..."


"See mother what you did." Hua Cheng said looking at his mother and then looking at Xielian who was currently lying on the bed like a dead fish.

"I I I I didn't mean to. I am sorry.
Savior wake up." She said as she rushed to his bedside.

"His name is Xielian.
But why are you calling him savior.
Ha ." Hua Cheng asked his mother with a tilt of head.

"Oh because he saved me from those people. He is a hero. You should be like him." His mother said with a soft smile on her face.

"He saved you. And risked himself."
A male voice interupted them. Hua Cheng  looked at the door and saw his father standing there. "Dad ." His face beamed with joy as he saw his father approach him and gave him a hug.

"So." The man asked looking at Xielian.
"What happened."

Hua Cheng smiled mischievously at his mother and said softly to his father about everything.

"Oh. I see. Kaya come with me for your checkup and Hua Cheng you can take care of him. " With the man walked out followed by the lady.

End of Flashback.

After telling everything to Xielian Hua Cheng stood up and towards a small table and started unpacking something. "What are you doing, San Lang.?" Xielian asked. Hua Cheng turned around with a tray of food. Xielian's eyes sparkled .

" You have not eaten anything since you woke up. So this is for you."
Hua Cheng said with a smile.

Xielian eyes traveled from the food to Hua Cheng's eyes and said happily,
"Thank You. San Lang."
He accepted the offer of food and started eating. Suddenly he looked at Hua Cheng and saw him looking at him quietly. He could feel his face heat up. He said, "S.San Lang why don't you eat with me too. I can't eat all of this alone." "No. It's yours.  I already ate my dinner." He smiled.
"Oh. Okay."

Time Skip :-

3 days later Xielian and Hua Cheng's mother was realised from the hospital. The four of them talked and Xielian was dragged by the other 3 to have breakfast  together. They arrived at a cafe beside the lake. After their orders were placed they sat at a window seat.

"Xielian, let's sit here." Hua Cheng smiled as the two sat in front of each other. But............

But before Hua Cheng could sit on the chair some one sat down before him.
He looked down to see his mother smiling mischievously at him. She looked back at Xielian who was sitting next to Hua Cheng's father and smiled innocently. The poor boy didn't even know what was going on between the mother-son pair so he smiled back at her.

"So tell me about you now." She said innocently.

"Oh me. I am Xielian , Hua Cheng's classmate."

"I know that. Say something else like your hobbies , parents. Etc." She said.

"Oh. Well........................."

Caw caw .

Xielian didn't knew what to say. He just wished this breakfast session was over soon.

"Ow you're cute. Come to our home for dinner this weekend." She said pinching his cheeks. Then she turned to Hua Cheng and said sternly ," You foodie, bring him to our home this weekend. Got it."
"Ok." He said softly.

"Ow. You are so cute . I want to take you with me today." She said as he pinched Xielian's cheeks again and the latter just smiled brightly.

Seeing this Hua Cheng choked on his coffee.

[ Hey my sweet berries and candies.
How are you all. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Imma make sure to upload more very soon.

And also stay safe , and take care.

Check out my new YouTube channel here. ⬇️

Have a nice weekend. Bye.✓]

The masked boy (heaven official blessings fan fiction:-❄️🎄 Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now