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Xie lian and Hua cheng took a spot right opposite to the newcomer. "Hello mu qing and feng xin." Both of them looked up to see xielian looking at them with an indescribable expression on his face. ''Uh hello ' you' re a little late.'' Mu qing said with a small laugh. Before xielian could say something hua cheng snorted and said , ''xielian wasn't late . The line at the counter was too long.'' "oh" both of them said in unison. Xielian found it strange cause at the past both of them always fought. But now their reltionship seemed to have improved .
''He xuan can you hear me." the girl said as took the boy s hands and shook him. '' yes i can hear you. yea yes and thousand times yes." the boy said. the four looked at the due , as if feeling the gazes on them the two sat properly again. " hey, your highness. '' the girl said with a bright energetic smile. Xielian was taken aback. '' Ahem'' hua cheng  coughed as if indicating somthing . ''oh . Hello , I am shi qing xuan.'' she said " oh its nice to meet you. I am Xielian . " he said quickly returning to his calm yet cold attitude.  All of them were having a nice conversation when the boy in black - '' ahem (...............)''

The five looked at him and he began-
'' I am He Xuan. And I like fishes cause they are cute. Thank you.'' with that he got up and exited the cafeteria. all of looked at each other and laughed .

They exchanged phone numbers as Shi Qing Xuan suggested and with the ring of the bell they all left for their classes.

Hua Cheng and Xielian was walking down the hallway together. It was a comfortable silence between them.  Until.

"Hey Xielian." Hua Cheng said his voice small as he uttered the latter s name.

"What is it, San Lang." He said looking at him. He noticed the height difference between them.

"Nothing just checking if you fell asleep. " Hua Cheng said teasingly.

" You.......... Fine well what do you have now." He asked instead.

"Oh I have English now and you. "

"Same. "

"Then let's go together."

"Let's go"

They both walked into the classroom laughing and occasionally swatting at each other.



The bell rang indicating that school was over. All the students ran out of the school building giggling and laughing.

My Qing Feng Xin Shi Qing Xuan and He Xuan waited at the school gate for Hua Cheng and Xielian. They noticed both of them walking out together.
"His Highness he haven't gotten his memory back yet." Shi Qing Xuan said. "Yeah. It's still a mystery." He Xuan said. "I don't know what would happen if he gets his memory back and then if we-'' "No everything will be okay. Stop overthinking." Feng Xin was cut off by Mu Qing taking his hand and speaking outright. They were still staring at each other , a brown haired handsome guy looking down at a silver haired beauty hooking his arm with the taller one.
It was a beautiful sight , until.
"Ahem." Xie Lian cleared his throat at them.

"E I I I . I can e e e explain.......
We are just - "
"F f f Friends. I know." Xielian said with a smirk as he looked at both of them , Mu Qing all red like a tomato and Feng Xin s ears too red with embarrassment. Xielian laughed out loud at his two friends current relationship. "Oh by the way I should go now." He said and started walking away. "Hey wait. Let me drive you back." Hua Cheng said. "No it's okay.
I have to go. Bye . See you guys tomorrow." He said. "No message us later." He Xuan said waving his hand.
Xielian looked back , "okay I will."


"Huh finally." He said to himself as he closed the counter and took his backpack ready to go back home. He waved at the manager of the cafe wishing him good night and was about to leave. "Wait xielian." The manager said as he walked towards him with a package which looked like cake. "Yes. Mr Zhou." He asked and took the package which was extended to him. "Sorry for troubling you further. Since Banyue is not here today can you please deliver this to Warren's residential in xxx , it's opposite to your residential area. "
He said. "Oh. Okay." Xielian said.
"Be safe. And good night." The manager said. Xielian nodded and went away.

After delivering the package he was on his way back home. He rubbed his arms with his hands cause it was cold outside. It was unusually cold as if a big thunderstorm was about to come.
Xielian headed to his place as fast as he could. Vehicles and people were very less at that moment somewhere one or two , most looked like office workers returning home from work.

Every thing was silent as he got nearer to his home. It was all dark around .A street light was the only thing that was giving some light over the place. Xielian started walking speedily to his home as it wasn't that far away.


Suddenly he heard a scream. He halted his movements and looked around to see anything unusual but there was nothing. He started walking again when he heard the scream again , it was clearly a woman's. And then he heard some low laughter of many men. Before he knew what he was doing his feet took him to the direction of the scream.

He reached a small dark alley. In there he saw 7 to 8 men surrounding a lady and touching her inappropriately. It rang on his mind what they were trying to do.

"No please don't. Please don't." ??
"Haha. You are already here shouldn't you be doing it for us now." ??
One of the man said as he started to rip apart her clothes.

Xielian could not take it anymore.
He swiftly gave a kick on the man's back and the man stumbled forward and almost fell.  All of those men looked at him.

One of them supposedly their leader smirked at him , "heh look at this little guy trying to outsmart himself. Hey what's your name huh. Boy."

Xielian said nothing. "Let her go." He said instead. "Oh. You wanna save her huh.tsk." he said clicking his tounge.
"Hey what's yall looking at. Show him some act. Since he came here for it." With that he turned towards the woman again.

Around 5 men surrounded Xielian . Though Xie Lian was a good fighter, those men were all big and bulky. If he had to fight with them he wouldn't have to be sure that he will die.

His thoughts weren't complete when one of them had hit him from behind.
He fell forward on hands at dirty alley.  Another one came forward and grabbed his chin and took off the mask and started laughing. "Ow. Look at this girly face. Hahaha." Xielian s chin hurt so much he couldn't take it anymore and suddenly makeing them all shock he landed a kick on the man's little brother. The instantly let go of his chin and covered his little brother and started rolling on the floor.

As soon as Xielian stood up he landed a kick on the other man's little brother too. But his little victory didn't last long as he got hit on the back of his head and fell to the floor.
Every thing became blurry and he felt dizziness take over him. His eyes felt heavy.

"Am I going to die." He thought.

"Stop no." He heard a female voice saying. "Sorry I couldn't save you." He thought before his conciouness slipped away.

( Hello 👋😎👋 my sweet berries and candies. How are you all doing.

Me fine though ☺️.

So after so many centuries I posted another chapter. Please 🥺 accept my humble apologies 🙏🙏🙏.

By the way don't forget to vote and leave comments below. I will surely reply to your comments 😃 Thank You.)

The masked boy (heaven official blessings fan fiction:-❄️🎄 Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now