Chapter 18

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"We gotta leave now. We need find him. Let me go." He Xuan started drawing a portal but Shi Qing Xuan dragged him back to the couch. Mu Qing and Feng Xin tried to calm him down by giving him some ice cream.

On the other sofa was Hua Cheng who still had puffy and red eyes after crying so long.

Suddenly the door cricked  open and two new faces came inside. It was Pei Ming and Ling Wen who recently moved to Hua Cheng's neighborhood.

"Hey guys. We heard what happened. And we are here to help. I guess." Pei Ming said scratching the back of his neck and Ling Wen nodded.

"Y-you are....." Shi Qing Xuan looked like she was about to cry. All of them exchanged formalities except Hua Cheng and Hexuan.

"So , shall we leave now or -"
"NOW." Pei Ming was cut off by Hua Cheng who stood up from the couch.

"But. You need some rest bro." Mu Qing tried to calm him down, "You take a quick nap and then we can go. How-" He immediately shut his mouth when Hua Cheng glared at him.

"Let me complete it." He Xuan started drawing the other half of the portal.
"Done. Let's go."

One by one they passed through the portal, lastly it was Hua Cheng who walked through it and then the portal slowly disappeared.

Outside the room was the dragon couple. Both watched silently as their son walked through the portal to the kingdom of death together with his friends.

" He-he is gone. He really went there. We need to go too." Kaya said between her sobs.

" Hush. My love, everything's gonna be okay. We will protect our little kiddos from here, if needed we will fly to the kingdom of death together. Okay."  Eric , the king of night dragons whispered to his wife as he gently brought closer to his chest.


The cave was dark and damp with the  smell of blood so strong that a normal human would either pass out or feel dizzy.  From the outside one can hear faint noises of what seemed like monsters and ghosts. The atmosphere inside and outside the cave was really erie.

Inside the cave was a small room. It had a opening on top of it , illuminating the center of the room.

The illuminated cave wasn't that small , that's why the corners of the room were dark just like the rest of the big cave. In the centre of the cave room was a flat stone , where a figure was lying. His hands were tied up on either side by thick strong iron chains. His feet were bare and had scratches all over them.

The figure stirred,his long eyelashes fluttering as the sunlight sharply  hit his  face. He slowly opened his eyes and shut them again as the sunlight hit directly his tender eyes. He tilted his head to the side and opened his eyes again this time trying to sit up.
"Ahh." He felt weird soreness creeping up his body. His back , feet and hands  hurt so much , he wanted to cry out loud. But he didn't instead slowly took notice in his surroundings.

"Where am I !?"

Xielian muttered to himself. "I was sleeping with San Lang, then- ... Oh I got it. This is another weird dream that's gonna turn into a nightmare. *Sigh* Nah. It's not a dream. Because if it was a dream my body won't hurt like this and I won't be able to say my thoughts aloud." Suddenly he heard a creaking sound as if someone was opening a big door. He heard soft light  footsteps coming towards him. But from where he couldn't make it out.


The person didn't made a single sound as he stood in still in the darkness.

"Wh-who are you?" Xielian asked as he stared at the direction of the stranger.

"You're awake." The figure said still standing in the darkness.

The voice was familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time.

" I I asked who are you ?" Xielian tried again.

This time the figure started coming near him. Slowly the man came forward and stood right beside xielian. Xielian felt his whole body go stiff . He tipped Xielian's chin up by his index finger and whispered.

" How can you forget me. My dear , XIANLE".


The portal disappeared as soon as they passed through it. All seven of them looked around their surroundings. The place was dark , the trees didn't have any leaves on it instead bats were hanging down from their branches. From afar one can hear the howl and growls of monsters , demon, and beasts. The whole place was illuminated by the silvery glow of the moon , making the place more scary then it is.

"No wonder this place is The Kingdom Of Death. Look at the trees , not even a single dry leaf , the ground also looks dead. Ew , is that a skull over there."
Mu Qing said as he griped his saber tightly.

"Mn. What a barren land !" Pei Ming nodded.

"Whatever since we are here now. We need a plan. Guys listen." Ling Wen said in her monotonous voice as all of them turned towards her. She cleared her throat and began.

"Firstly we don't know where His Highness is . Secondly, we are at the Skull forst, the border of the Death kingdom. We can't go in like this. Anyone will know who we are once they sense our divine and supreme powers. So we need a better disguise.
Thirdly we all need to form groups. One group will stroll around the city with other monsters and the other group will go and rescue our prince.
But before we go with our plan of disguise ,we need to know where His Highness is." Ling Wen said.

"Hmm. Disguise can be taken care of , right Hexiong. " Shi Qing Xuan said as she looked up at her companion. "And finding His Highness will be easy if Chengzu uses one of his butterflies." She said looking at Hua Cheng this time. Both the Supremes nodded curtly. Hua Cheng released a few dozen butterflies and let them fly towards the city. They all waited with bated breath.

A few moments later Hua Cheng gasped , the big thick stick he was using to play with the bonfire snapped in half as he tightened his fists.

"Wh-what happened ?"
Qing Xuan asked feeling the sudden killing aura coming from the man beside her.

"The castle at the big mountain over there." Hua Cheng pointed out at the distance. " His highness is locked inside what seems like a bedroom by that stinky bastard."

"Who?" Mu Qing questioned.

Hua Cheng looked as if he would kill anyone right now , he gritted his teeths as he said -


{ Hello my sweet berries and candies. I , the renowned stupid author who always falls from the bed is back at town *this is embarrassing* Anyways exams over for me. Thrilling and Action-packed chapter coming tomorrow.

Have a nice day/ night.

Enjoy  ( ˘ ³˘)♥.  }

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