Chapter 20

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The long corridor was almost dark , only a few dim lights were on , enough for someone to see their way.
The walls were painted white on each side  , along both walls were benches for people to sit as they wait with bated breath , for what the doctor will say about their loved ones. It was a hospital, with long corridors , many different types of room for different purposes. Dim lights lighting the halls and corridors, giving a creepy feeling.

In one such a corridor , in a bench sat a pretty woman. A bandage around her neck as she waited for the doctor.
It was almost midnight. She heaved a tired sigh and looked out of the floor to ceiling window, at the bright moon and the twinkling stars. A few clouds were there too , adding more beauty to the scenery. She exhaled a shaky breathe and rested her head on the wall and closed her eyes. She was tired , yes, but she was sad. A tiny tear rolled down her cheek. Suddenly the door in front of her opened and a man dressed in white overcoat came.

"Mrs Hua. Excuse me." The doctor said softly as he noticed the tired look on her eyes.

"Uh. Oh. Do-doctor is he okay?" Kaya asked standing straight , her hair now black as she was back to her human form.

"Yes. If you want you can take him back now. He's sleeping." He said.

"I will take him back home." Kaya said her voice cold and dominating, not the usual soft voice and kind look she gives to the children or to her husband.

"Ah  okay." The doctor bowed and left , as Kaya went inside the room.

Xielian was sleeping soundly, but he looked uncomfortable, she scooped him up in her arms and went outside the room then quickly left the hospital. They reached the chateau , Kaya parked her car in front of the house, without bothering to park it in the garage. She quickly scoped up Xielian who was wrapped in a blanket like a little burrito. She quickly went inside , took a few flight of stairs then finally arrived at the master bedroom.
She quickly put the boy on the bed removing the blanket from him.

She brought a bowl of water and a towel then placed them on the nightstand. She slowly, not to wake up the boy , took off his clothes and cleaned him up with the towel, then dressed him in one of Hua Cheng's big t-shirt. Then she put away the bowl and the wet towel, and took a bath.

She came out of the bathroom and slowly turned off the light and quickly got on the bed. Slowly getting under the blanket and pulling Xielian closer to her. As if sensing something he immediately snuggled closer to her.

"Hm. Good Night your highness." She said as she closed her eyes, retiring for the night.

Morning arrived sooner than expected. Xielian slowly woke up, a tingling pain was there in his body. There was someone else who was sleeping beside him. He looked up to see Kaya , once again in her human form. Slowly remembering what had happened last night ,his eyes teared up. Slowly getting out of the bed he noticed he was wearing Hua Cheng's tshirt. Tears rolled down his beautiful cheeks , as he silently cried. He slowly walked out of the room closing the door behind him. He knew this place just like the back of his hands. It was his San Lang's home after all. He slowly made his way towards the living room he and Hua Cheng spends their time at. Opening the big door , he entered the living room. He made his way to the big curtains and pulled them apart.

Beside the big window was an armchair, he sat down there looking at the beautiful rose garden. He was lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice another person entering the room.

"A-lian, good morning. Why don't you freshen up and then we can go to the hospital." Kaya said and rubbed the boy's back.

"Huh. Oh , sure." Xielian gave a small smile , and walked out of the room.

The masked boy (heaven official blessings fan fiction:-❄️🎄 Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now