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Today is Saturday, the beginning of favourite weekend. Xielian woke up and as always did his morning routine. He went downstairs to meet Ms Yi and told her about his weekend plan , as always, but a bit different today.

Xielian was going to visit the Hua family today as invited by Hua Cheng's mother. Last night when both the boys were talking , she took the phone from Hua Cheng just to remind him about the invitation.

Hua Cheng would come to pick him up at 10 am. They are going to spend the day together at Hua Cheng's place.
He wasn't sure of what to wear, luckily Shi Qing Xuan called at time and saved his day.

On the call.

"Hello. Xiexie. Good morning"

"Uha , Hello Shi Qing Xuan. Good morning."

"Umm. Any plans for the weekend. Me and He xiong are going to shopping, wanna join."

"Uh thanks for the invitation. But..."

"But ? "

"I have plans for today."

"Oh. Would you like to tell me about it ?"

"Well first of all, thank you for calling right now because I really don't know what to wear today. Please help."

"Ow. Okay but you didn't even told me about your plans for today.''

"Oh. That... I am gonna visit San Lang's place today....."

"....... Okay. First let me do a video call...."


After a several long minutes Xielian was finally ready. He wore a beautiful creamy coloured t-shirt which went past his fingers and a pair of chocolate coloured jeans he never knew he had. His long black hair tied into a lose messy braid. He looked himself in the mirror, he had to admit that he looked cute.


There he is. Xielian quickly ran towards the door. He opened it to see the person he was expecting to see right now.

Hua Cheng stared at the boy in front of him. He looked so cute in the oversized t-shirt. And his hair a messy braid. He couldn't help but pinch those slightly pink cheeks.

"Ahh." Xielian who was currently staring at the other person let out a small scream.

Honestly, Xie Lian was captivated by the boy. Hua Cheng was all drowned in red and black. His hair perfectly combed and he looked handsome as always. 

When he got pinched then only he knew he was staring at him.

"Ah. San Lang let's go. Haha." Xielian said nervously.

"Wait a sec. Where's Ruoye ?"

Hearing his name Ruoye , ran towards Hua Cheng and started barking happily again. "Hm." Hua Cheng walked inside the room and took the lease from the wall and after fitting it to Ruoye he went to Xielian.

"Let's go. Ruoye can play together with my dog." Hua Cheng smiled. "Oh I didn't know San Lang had a dog." Xielian said as he looked the place and walked towards the car. "Yes. His name is sparkle. His eyes are always sparkling that's why." Hua Cheng smiled again as opened the back door and told Ruoye to go in. "What breed is Sparkle." Xielian was becoming more curious. "It's a fine black Doberman." Hua Cheng said proudly.
"Oh." Xielian looked back at his white Siberian Husky. They talked and laughed softly, but when Xielian told him to mind the road while driving, Hua Cheng played a music on the speakers and concentrated at the road.

They soon reached a place filled with green trees. Trees lined up on both sides of the road. Xielian was so fascinated he didn't saw the sign that read "Hua's Residential Area." Untill the car stopped in front of a big 18th century style chateau. It was really big and was well maintained. 

As soon as Xielian walked out of the car he was greeted with a big hug. He already knew who it was so he just hugged her back.

"Ow a-lian. Good to see you again. How are you."

"Haha,. Mrs Hua I am doing fine and you?" Xielian asked politely.

Kaya let out a small laugh and said,"ah just call me aunty. No need for all the formalities. Oh come on let's go inside." Before Xielian could say something, Kaya dragged him inside the building.

The servants, the butler and Hua Cheng actually chocked on their own saliva hearing those two's conversation.

Kaya who is known for her ruthless nature just told Xielian whom she only met one time told him to call her Aunty. A truly unique and interesting due, they thought.

Hua Cheng smiled as he saw Xielian laughing together with his mother. He thought of joining them but he felt like a third wheel as he saw even his father was there laughing altogether.
He sighed and went to look at the dogs.

"Ah young Master. Don't be sad. "
The butler patted his shoulder and went back to work.

"Ow. Who's sad." He muttered to himself.

Xielian had to had lunch with the Hua family as he wasn't allowed to leave.

Evening came and when Xielian told them it's time to take his leave.
Again he was forced to have dinner with them.

After dinner :

"Ah aunty, I should leave now."

"Uwoo , you don't like it here."

"That's not it. It's just -"

"Yay you going to spend the night here with us."

"Oh. WAIT WHAT!!!!?''

              ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ(╥﹏╥)(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)

So now he he is sprawled on a very big bed in a big room which was practically opposite to Hua Cheng's. Xielian rolled onto his side as he saw the full moon out of the huge windows.
"It's not that bad thing though.'' he said softly and turned off the bedside lights.

Something was touching his back. He tried to slap it way , it didn't budge. Slowly made its way to his snake and grabbed him by force. He couldn't breathe and suddenly felt as if someone has just broke open his skull. Blood dripped out of his head. His current and that particular person that is holding him laughed maniacly.
Suddenly he felt butterfly light touches on his face. He looked up and saw a man in dress of all red and the person was fading. He felt himself trying to hold the person stilll , he could feel his own lips moving , saying something but he didn't know what he was saying.
He felt his vision going blur but he heard a voice saying it softly. "Believe me your highness."

"Ahhhhhhh. Don't leave me alone. Please don't leave me. "

Xielian woke up with a scream. He felt tears rolling down his cheeks. He didn't know why he was crying. He felt someone comforting him. He looked up to see three worried faces.
And Mrs Hua was holding him and comforting him.

"You okay. You were screaming don't leave me, don't leave me. Is anything wrong ?" She asked with concern.

Xielian's P.O.V.

I looked at their worried face and suddenly realization hit me. I scrambled out of her hold and started apologizing. I was guest not some realtive out here.

Third person P.O.V.

"I am sorry."

"Why are you sorry."

"Ca.... cause I disturbed you. I am just a guest I have no rights to scream or have nightmares in someone else's place. Please forgive me...."

"Nonsense it's not a disturbance. And you were crying while saying those words. And it's our duty to comfort you. And shh. Now go to sleep."

After ages of arguments Xielian finally fell asleep in Kayas arms.

The masked boy (heaven official blessings fan fiction:-❄️🎄 Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now