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As soon as Xielian opened the door and stepped inside something jumped on him and started barking. Xielian hurriedly switched on the lights and saw Ruoye still jumping around him.
"Uh. Ruoye you naughty thing. Shush we have a guest today." Xielian just finished his sentence the little dog ran towards Hua Cheng and started barking happily and wagged his tail. Hua Cheng crouched down and patted its head. Xielian smiled, "hm. San Lang, come inside. Don't just stand there." He said softly. Hua Cheng smiled at him, "okay gege." Xielian felt his teasing tone and blushed slightly ,"San Lang, don't call me gege. Ah." He muttered under his breath but it was big enough for the latter to hear. Hua Cheng walked inside and closed the door then said,"okay gege~"
Xielian gesture him to sit and walked towards the bathroom tripping over nothing on the way. Hua Cheng laughed softly at how clumsily cute the other was.

Hua Cheng looked around the small room and noticed it had quite little furnishing but was enough for one person to stay. It was quite cosy. He sat down on the couch and Ruoye put its paws on his knees, "cutie." He said softly and scratched under its ears.  He barked happily.

Xielian came out of the bathroom washing and changing his clothes.  He wore a white t-shirt and lose pyjama pants. Seeing Hua Cheng staring he said quickly,"San Lang why don't you wash up a bit." Hua Cheng looked at him quietly and then said ,"okay."

Xielian gesture him towards the small room and he himself runs towards the small kitchen and starts taking out the ingredients for dinner. He starts chopping the vegetables. Xielian sighs , he really didn't know why he had invited a person to stay the night , he only met for the first time. "That's strange" he mutters to himself.

Just then Hua Cheng comes out of the bathroom and goes to the kitchen. "Need some help gege." He says leaning on the counter. Xielian turns his head to look at the boy with a smile. "Ah, no need. It's almost done." He said, "why don't you sit down at the table and just wait." He said softly.
"Mm. Sure." Hua Cheng sits on a chair and states at Xielian's back. He sighs inwardly.


"Here let me help you wash the dishes." Hua Cheng said and without waiting for any answer he started washing them. Xielian sighed, "Then I will make the bed for you. " He said.
Hua Cheng turned his head and asked,"what about you."

"Oh me. I will sleep on the couch."

"Hmm. If it's okay for you. We can sleep together."

Xielian seemed to stiffen a bit but relaxed and said. "Nah, you are the guest. You should feel comfortable which is not in my place."

Hua Cheng looked at him then turned his head back to wards the dishes.
"But this is your home. You should feel comfortable too."

Xielian huffed a laugh.
They agreed to sleep on the bed together.

Xielian turned the lights off.
Only the moonlight coming from the window was lighting up room a bit.
Xielian sighed.

He turned towards Hua Cheng who was looking up at the ceiling. Xie Lian looked at him for a while before shifting a bit.

"Good Night San Lang."

"Good Night Xielian."

Hua Cheng looked at the person beside him. His soft features are still same as he saw all those years ago.
He smiled and gently tucked Xielian under the blanket and pulled him close towards himself. Xielian shifted and let out a soft mewl. Hua Cheng looked lovingly at him. "Good Night A-lian."

The moon went to sleep as soon her brother sun came out. The birds started chirping sweetly and the flowers bloomed lovingly.

Sunlight came in through the window glass and hit Xielian's face. He squirmed and slowly he opened his eyes with a fluttering of his lashes.
He sat up and yawned as he looked to his side and it was empty. He whipped his head around and saw Hua Cheng in the kitchen cooking something. It's delicious aroma filled the room. Ryoue was sitting in the kitchen and watching Hua Cheng as he worked around the kitchen.

The masked boy (heaven official blessings fan fiction:-❄️🎄 Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now