Chapter 14.

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"So first thing first. Let's go eat something."

Hexuan said as he walked out of the car and walked towards the big resturant followed by Mu Qing. Both of them whining about eating.

"Didn't we ate breakfast a few hours ago, they are hungry again." Fengxin said. "Yeah. Hexiong is still the same , a big ass foody." Qing Xuan said and giggled. "Hey love birds. Come out quickly."

Hua Cheng helped a blushing Xielian out of the car. "Um - that San Lang gege. I wanted to ask something."

Hua Cheng stopped in his tracks. He felt like he had ascended heaven. No no , he must have died or maybe this is a dream.

"San lang gege. Is there something wrong."

"Uh-oh. Well no nothing."

"Is it okay if I call you gege cause you're o-older than me."

"Is Lian Lian saying I am a old man."

"No no. Let's go inside. Everyone is staring at us."

With that Xielian dragged Hua Cheng inside and sat down with the others.
After their orders were served, Hexuan and Mu Qing started eating first.

"Looks like they were really hungry."

Xielian said as he started eating.

"Hey xielian you wanted to ask something earlier?" Hua Cheng said as he pushed the desert to the brunette.

"Oh , well you have visited Paris before right. "

" Yeah with mom. Why ? If you're thinking I know anywhere special to go then no. I don't. Hehe."

"Oh. That's okay. I just asked because I saw in your profile picture. That's why I asked. Haha."

Time skip:-
{AN: Hey sweet berries and candies. I have never visited Paris so I don't know much details, there will be a few time skip here cause I don't want to make anything awkward. BACK TO THE STORY (●♡∀♡) }

Xielian slept the way back to the hotel.
Squirming and frowning , he mumbled something incoherent and nonsensical and gripped onto Hua Cheng's shirt tightly. Seeing this Hua Cheng couldn't help but take a quick photo of Xie Lian and set it as his wallpaper. "Cute" he mumbled as he nuzzled into the other's hair.

Xielian woke up and sat up straight. He was in an unfamiliar room. He quickly realised he is in the hotel room. He yawned and searched for his phone , it was 7 : 20 pm. He looked around but Hua Cheng wasn't there. He looked down at himself, his outfit was changed into a big red shirt and his underwear,  his current dressup did nothing to hide his body , as his the right side of the shirt was on his elbow giving a good view of his chest and abdomen. He stopped those thoughts before they could become something else.

He  had noticed a sticky note on his phone. He read the words and didn't know what to do.

"Me and others are going out for something important. Stay inside the room and don't come out.
                                    ~ San Lang gege 😏

"Hm. San Lang's handwriting are now recognisable and very neat. Haha. I wonder what will be his reaction after knowing that my memories are back. But I still can't remember some of them. Ah, I should wear something else." He giggled to himself and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

" Hey you two. Aren't you two the most feared Supreme Ghost King of all times. Now what are you two doing there. Come and help us here."

Hexuan looked up from his phone as Feng Xin shouted. Hua Cheng quietly hummed a tune he was listening to.

" Hua Cheng , Hexuan. Come and help us." Fengxin shouted again.

'' we helped you in killing them. Cleaning it up is your problem not ours." Hua Cheng shrugged and went back to listening songs.

"Ugh , this two are really...." Fengxin sighed.

"Is it done let's go back.'' Hexuan said coldly and started walking away , Hua Cheng followed the suit.

The four of them almost reached the car when a large scream came from the back of the alley.

"Is that- "

"That's "

"QINGXUAN-" Hua Cheng shouted and Hexuan started running in the direction of the scream.

"Let's go." Three of them followed.

The four of them stood in front an old abandoned warehouse in a dark creepy place. All the shops are closed , there isn't even a single light. Fengxin quickly lit a fireball and sent it upwards so that the whole place was illuminated. They walked inside the creepy place and started looking for Qingxuan.

"Let's split up" Hua Cheng suggested. "You two go together, we go together. Let's meet here again in an hour." The other's simply nodded and they parted their ways.

The small silver butterflies illuminated the place in a soft glow.

"Hey crimson rain."


"Did you noticed Mu Qing. He looks kind of weird."

"Huh. No. He looks same. Why?"

"I don't know it-"

Hexuan's sentence was cut off with another scream. Both looked at each other and  ran towards its direction.

They froze in their steps when they saw the scene in front of them.

"I-is that -" Fengxin stuttered as he and Muqing reached there.

"Bu-but.-" Hua Cheng didn't got to finish his sentence when that person turned around with an unconscious Shi Qing Xuan in his hands.

It was Xielian.

Xielian came forward and put down the bleeding unconscious Shi Qing Xuan down and swung his sword, then lurched forward and stabbed Mu Qing directly in his chest.

{ Hey sweet berries and candies. Another chapter is out. Hehe. Let's go.
Oh yeah spoiler alert.

Xielian stabbed Mu Qing.
What happened.
Ponder around guys. Think about it.

My story is attached with TGCF novel. So don't worry.  You will get it , what's happening here .

Anyways follow me on twitter , if you wanna talk more about hualian , tgcf , k-pop, Kdrama.

Twitter: riya the hualian simp (Riya Sharma)

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