Chapter 15

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Xielian came forward and put down the bleeding unconscious Shi Qing Xuan down and swung his sword, then lurched forward and stabbed Mu Qing directly in his chest. }

Hua Cheng, He Xuan and Feng Xin froze at the sight.

"X-xielian. Y-you , why - "

Mu Qing couldn't finish his sentence as another sword stabbed him from behind. He let out a gurgling sound and dispited into black smoke. Before it could escape , xielian swung his sword, splitting it into two parts.

"Mu Qing are you okay ?" Xielian asked as he threw the sword away.
"Yeah I am fine. Thanks." Mu Qing gave him a wide grin.

"Oh San Lang. What happened!" Confused,  Xielian waved his hand in front of Hua Cheng's face.

"......." Hua Cheng didn't respond but pulled Xielian into a bone crushing hug.

Hua Cheng took a deep shaky breathe and said ," For a moment I thought - "

"I was possessed." Xielian cut off his sentence.

"Hmm. Yes." Hua Cheng didn't know what to say anymore.

They let go of the hug when He Xuan suggested that they should head back and have a good talk about all this , as he bridal carried Shi Qing Xuan.

At the hotel

All five of them were sitting in Hua Cheng's and Xielian's room.

" Then I saw Mu Qing and asked him where all of you were, well at first he didn't said anything and went away. But I I followed him secretly. Haha. "
Xielian laughed awkwardly at the end. He looked at the other four, they weren't smiling, on the contrary, they all looked like , they wanted to beat him.

"Leave. I will take care of this." Hua Cheng practically growled. The three of them knew nothing good will happen if they stayed there , so they quickly left  to their rooms.

Hua Cheng got up and locked the door. Xielian could feel that he was angry. He opened his mouth to say something,when he saw Hua Cheng untying the eyepatch and putting it on top of the nightstand. He walked over to the closet and pulled out some clothes and towels and went to the bathroom.

Xielian waited patiently , his hands stiff on his legs and his fingers clutching at his knees. His beautiful long hair was draped over his left shoulder. He didn't understand why Hua Cheng got angry. Is it because he got his memories back? Could it be he doesn't love him anymore ?

Suddenly something popped in his mind and without him knowing , silent tears fell from eyes , trickling down his rosy cheeks. He only knew he was crying when he saw the droplets fell on his hands.

'it can't be, it can't be that that girl was his girlfriend. I -' without even completing the thought , he started crying harder. His shoulders shook and his eyes were watery red as his whole face. He hid his face in his hands and started crying louder.

Hua Cheng came out of the bathroom , in a pair of sweat pants and a black t-shirt , drying his hairs with a towel. He wanted to ask Xielian a lot of things. But....

But the sight that greeted him , petrified him.

Xielian was crying harder by the passing minute. His face was red , his shoulders were shaking. He was hugging his knees tightly into his chest.

Hua Cheng sat down beside Xielian and gently put left hand around his shoulders and brought him closer to himself. The touch made Xielian gasp and he looked up to see a pair of red and black eyes looking at him tenderly. The angry look on his face from before is nowhere to be seen.

"What happened ? D-did I scared you?" Hua Cheng asked.

"I .hic. I am sorry...hic." Xielian hiccuped as he squeezed the words out.

"Wh-why are you saying sorry ? Gege, Xielian . Look at me." Hua Cheng said quietly.

Xielian looked up at him , his face and eyes were  red from crying , "I am sorry , f-for i-intervening your life. I am sorry , I am taking your time and attention from y-your g-girlfriend.''

"WHAT"  Hua Cheng thought he died and now is in hell.

"I don't have a girl friend. Gege, tell me what happened, who told you I have a girlfriend  , please I beg you."
Hua Cheng knelt down infront of Xielian, who was sitting on the couch.

Xielian looked at him with a big question mark on his face , " what do you mean ? I s-saw that day you in that that-"

"With  Liya . Heck no , Liya isn't my girlfriend or even friend. If anything Liya is , then she is the biggest troublemaker of all times. That day I was just wondering to tease you. Sorry for making you sad. It's all my fault, I am sorry...... Please forgive me." Hua Cheng quickly cut off his  sentence and explained everything.

"It's a misunderstanding. Gege, Xielian , dianxia. I would never hurt you , neither physically nor mentally or emotionally. Sorry , please forgive this lowly one."

"Huh , San Lang , please stop. There's nothing to forgive , you just wanted to play with me and I just misunderstood everything. Now everything is clear , so get up. It's late , let's go to sleep now my love." Xielian blushed at his own words.

"Hmm. Umm. Since A-lian is suggesting to sleep , then this gege will gladly comply , but first I need something." Hua Cheng was back to his normal teasing self.

Xielian blushed harder , the tip of his ears , all pink. "What is it !"

Without saying anything , Hua Cheng got up and sat down beside him once again.


Xielian wanted to say something but all his became muffled as Hua Cheng closed the distance between them , smashed their lips together. 

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