Chapter 22

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{ Hi
My sweet berries and candies. Thought I would bring this chapter to you today. So this is for you. Hoho , happy reading 😏. ( 🔞 Chapter. If it's not your thing pls don't read after the ---***--- sign. Thank you ☺️ }

Ever since Hua Cheng took over the company after his father , he and Xielian moved in  to their new home together. They haven't had gone far then kissing and touching each other.
They visited Eric and Kaya once a week.

(AN : I want our little Hua Hua to have a happy life , they both deserve it. Uwu)

Today was one of those morning where both of them would spend together by lazing on the bed.  Until...
Until a call interupted their sweet time.

"What." Hua Cheng nearly barked on the phone. "Oh. Fine. Don't disturb me anymore." He cut off the call and threw his phone away and snuggled up with Xielian.

"What is it San Lang ?" Xielian asked as scratched onto Hua Cheng's scalp.
"Hmm. Nothing I have a meeting with some useless trash today. Just give more minutes we sleep. Then I have to get ready. *Yawn* " Hua Cheng nuzzled onto the other's neck. "Hmm. Sure."

"Is my Lian lian going somewhere today." Hua Cheng asked peeking up at his partner. "Hmm.  No why ? Are we going somewhere ?" The other asked lovingly , threading his fingers onto Hua Cheng's beautiful hair. "Its a surprise. I will pick you up right after I am finished with those trash." Hua Cheng hummed contently. "Sure. But don't call everyone trash okay." Xielian faked a strict tone in his voice.
"Hm. Anyone else than my Lian lian us trash." Hua Cheng sat upright , and kissed Xielian sweetly who had sat up on his lap.

The rest of the morning went pretty normal ,if one didn't count the number of times Hua Cheng groped and patted the younger's butt.

Xielian didn't have to go to the college and teach kids today. So he spent his time doing little chores around their penthouse and watched some shows. Bit he soon grew bored by the time it was afternoon and went back to bed.
He fell asleep only after a few moments of lying on the bed.

(He is a professor, based on that 🌟rember art)

He woke up when it was almost dark, little red coloured sunlight was coming inside. He got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. As soon as he walked out of the room he suddenly remembered that Hua Cheng told him he would pick him later for a date. A date. He quickly shuffled back to the room and started to take out various outfits. In less than ten minutes he was ready he ran out of the room and before he reached the living room area he tripped and fell forward. He braced himself for a rough fall but that never came. He was caught by a pair of strong and familier arms. He looked up to see his dashingly handsome lover who was looking down at him with concern.

"Ah. Hahaha. San Lang you're back. H-how was your day ?" Xielian asked as stood up straight and encircled his arms around the taller's neck. "It was good , I missed you." Hua Cheng quickly held the other's waist pulling him close. "Umm. So where are we going ?" Xielian asked shyly. "A surprise. Let's go." Xielian squeaked and laughed as Hua Cheng picked him in bridal carry and walked towards the door.

They drove and drove , to where Xielian didn't know. He was excited to see what Hua Cheng had for them. They had went to many dates over the past three years. But each of them were different. And Hua Cheng never failed to entertain him. Xielian's face grew hot as he thought about what happens when they reach home after each date. He squeaked as he saw a deer running past. One side of the road had forest. He was so engrossed in admiring nature that he didn't even realise they had reached their destination.

They got out of the car , as they marevelled in the fresh air.

"Xielian come here." Hua Cheng called out to him as he walked closer. "Yes."
Xielian asked as he faced the other with a blinding smile. The cool breeze ruffled the strands of hair adorning his face. His beautiful hazel eyes looked up at his San Lang. "Here." Hua Cheng took out a white silk piece of cloth. "A blindfold." Xielian muttered. "Yes. Can I ?" Hua Cheng asked unsure , "sure. It's a surprise after all." Xielian nodded happily.
Hua Cheng tied the blindfold on Xielian and held him close , guiding him through the small path filled with pebbles and dry leaves.

The masked boy (heaven official blessings fan fiction:-❄️🎄 Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now