Chapter 13

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( hey cuties I am back. Sorry I wasn't able to post this long 😅. But here you go. WARNING FLUFFY FLUFFY 🙈.)

Everything was dark as far as he could see . He didn't know what was going on. "Hello." Xielian called out weakly..
He was surprised hearing his own voice, it came out roughly. He walked down the hall . He felt something in his stomach. He couldn't figure it out. He saw dim light ahead and started walking towards it.

He felt as if someone was watching him. He looked back, no one ; looked at his sides no-one. A hand suddenly came out of nowhere and roughly took hold of his neck.


"Xianle. How have you been? I miss you so much."

Xielian looked up and didn't know why but he felt weirdly scared. Tears rolled down his cheeks. A crying smiling mask was looking at him. The grip on his neck tighted. He could feel his conciouness slipping away. Distantly he heard a voice calling him , but couldn't make out who it was. That mask came closer , it was weird. He tried to scream, dread creeping into him.

"Gege, Xielian, wake up. Wake up. "
That voice 'San lang.'

"There is no one to save you. Xianle, you're mine."

The grip loosened and he fell to the ground. Xielian looked up and saw that creepy man take out a sword.  It came straight at his heart , he cried out falling on the cold floor.

Xielian felt someone holding him gently and shaking him awake. He felt his cheeks were cold and his throat was dry , he realised he was crying and screaming.

He slowly opened his eyes to see to see a single black irised eye looking at him , and he was crying, crystal like tears fall down his beautiful eye and rolling down his cheeks.

"San Lang." He called out and forced a smile. He didn't know why he was so stressed out. He raised his left hand to touch other's face. Hua Cheng caught in his big hands and lovingly kissed the knuckles of the said hand. Xielian felt his heart thrump loudly in his chest. 'San Lang has girlfriend I shouldn't get in the way of his life.' with that thought he pulled back his hand.

"Xielian. What happened ? You were screaming and crying so loudly. Had a nightmare." Hua Cheng asked as gently as possible , though one could feel his anger brewing up.

"Um. Yes. It was odd. I never felt this before but. Lately I always see this thing and a weird creepy feeling comes to me." Xielian said quietly.

"If it's okay with you, you can share it with me." Hua Cheng gently brought the other closer to his chest.

"En. It always feels so real. Everything.
I wake up in dark place with no light. Then I see a brim of light faraway and my feets will take me there. I don't even know what's going on. And and I always see this person wearing a crying smiling mask and it always gives me weird feeling. *Sigh* But other time I see another person wearing vibrant crimson clothes,  opposite to that masked man , this red clothed man always seems to smile. But I can't make out his face. I wonder how he looks like. " Xielian says looking out the window and didn't saw the emotions on Hua Cheng's face.


Xielian yawns and nuzzles further into the warm embrace and sighs contently. Seeing this a smile forms on  Hua Cheng's lips ,a memory comes to his mind. He shakes his head slips inside the blanket pulling it over them and hugging xielian closely to his warm chest.

"S-san Lang." Xielian voice comes muffled but he can feel the vibration in his chest . He closes his eyes , "Let's sleep. Tomorrow we go sight seeing. " He sing songs to the other.

I will protect you.

Hua Cheng thinks quietly as he falls asleep.

[ Hey my sweet berries and candies. This is short. Next will be long.  Told you fluffy fluffy. Anyways talk with me here : twitter :-: Riya the hualian simp.   
                              (Riya Sharma.)
Bye 😎👋. See you tomorrow 😀💕.✓]

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