Chapter 12

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He Xuan looked down at the crying Xielian. "Hey stop crying." He said which made the other cry more. He didn't know what to say so he pulled the smaller one into a hug. "Let's go." He said and gently took his left hand and walked inside an empty room. You can't call it empty since four people were there waiting for the two.

"He Xiong , Xie Xie. Ha Xie Xie why are you crying ?" Shi Qing Xuan asked as she saw Xielian crying silently.

"Xielian got bullied by those people again, don't worry I gave them a taste of their lives." He Xuan said the last part of the sentence to Hua Cheng, who was looking like he would kill anyone now. Xielian wiped his tears and looked at them , "it's okay, it's not a big deal. Look nothing happened to me." He said his beautiful eyes twinkling. *Sigh* the others sighed heavily hearing Xielian's innocent words.

It was almost 10 PM now. After Xielian and He Xuan came back to the others , Shi Qing Xuan told about their plans.

"Two days from today , that's today is Tuesday, so in Friday morning 10 AM we will leave for Paris. So you all should reach the airport around 9:40 AM. Okay"

"Huh. So Ryoue I am going to Paris. You should be a good boy when you are staying at San Lang's home while I am away. Okay." He said as he scratched Ryoue's ears.

Xielian turned off the lights and flopped on the bed. He fell asleep instantly.

Time skip , Friday morning.

Xielian woke up panting. His back and forehead drenched in sweat. He looked around but didn't saw Ryoue, then remembered yesterday he left Ryoue with Hua Cheng. He sighed and looked at the clock. He almost screamed seeing the time. It 6.17 AM. He quickly jumped out of the bed and tidied it up and went to the bathroom and took a good shower. He came out of the bathroom and started preparing breakfast. As soon as he was done with his morning routine he  once again went to the bathroom and washed his face.

Xielian dressed himself in a white shirt , and tight black jeans. He combed his long hair and tied it up in a high ponytail. He remembered something, he took out a lip balm and applied it on his already pink lips making them look more pinkie now.
He looked at himself one last time in the mirror and grabbed his suitcase and dragged it out of his home. After making sure he locked up his little home safely he went downstairs and greeted Mrs Yi.

"Mrs Yi. I will be leaving now. Take care."

"Ow my sweet boy, you take care of yourself too. I love you." Mrs Yi kissed Xielian's forehead and he giggled.

"Bye. Mrs Yi." Xielian said and walked out of the small neighborhood.

"Bye. Take care." Mrs Yi said loudly to which Xielian looked back and waved his hand.

"She is making it seem like I am leaving forever. Aish. I shouldn't say something like that, she has taken care of me all these days. Thank you Mrs Yi." He thought to himself as he sat down on a sear inside the bus.

"Ah Xielian haven't reached here yet."
Feng Xin said .

"He will be here any moment." My Qing smiled and said.

"Afdjcahj, you two stop being lovey dovey" Hua Cheng who just reached there shouted.

"Ah here you are. Xielian didn't come along." My Qing asked.

"Well I went to his place only to see it was locked and the Aunty out there said he already left for the airport." Hua Cheng sighed.

There was only 8 minutes left but Xielian wasn't there yet. They were getting anxious.

The masked boy (heaven official blessings fan fiction:-❄️🎄 Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now