Chapter 16

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"mhm" Xielian moaned as Hua Cheng bit his lips and slid his tongue inside the other's mouth. He tugged Xielian closer to the point where the other was sitting on his lap. He slowly stood up , holding Xielian in place and without breaking the kiss , carried him to the bed.

Hua Cheng gently put the other on the bed , hovering above him ,he gently broke the kiss , a string of saliva connecting them.

"S-san Lang." Xie Lian cried out and proceeded to cover his face with his hands. Hua Cheng laughed out loud at the other's cuteness.

Hua Cheng sat back on his heels, an indescribable expression on his face.
" Your highness. Sorry for being so straight forward , but can I ask you something?" There was a glint of insecurity in his voice.

"Hmm. What is it !" Xielian asked as he sat up straight too.

Suddenly Hua Cheng looked up at him, his lips quivering, " Xielian , will you be my boyfriend?"

It was as if time had stopped. As more time passed by , Hua Cheng become more nervous. But his thoughts were interrupted when he felt something soft on his lips. Xielian was kissing him.

After a few moments, Hua Cheng again broke the kiss.

"I take that as a Yes".

Xielian squeaked as he was pushed down on the soft pillows , tickled by the other.
"Oh my my , you're so ticklish ha." Hua Cheng teased. "Yes hahaha....haha
San Lang st-stop please." Xielian said between laughing.

"Your highn- "  "No call me by my name. You're older here."  He was cut off by xielian as he wrapped his arms around the other. 

"Huh oh." It was as if Hua Cheng was processing what he said. "Okay. A-lian." Hua Cheng gave him one of his signature smile.

"San Lang, San Lang, let's sleep now."
Xielian said as he fell back on the bed , Hua Cheng still hovering above him.

The lights went off , with only the moonlight coming from the big window illuminating Xielian's face in a silvery glow.

"Okay. Good night my dear." 

"Good night San Lang gege." With that Xielian snuggled closer and tucked his face into the other's chest.

"........ You really will be the death of me." Hua Cheng said tightening his arms around the other.

" You're not allowed to die . Now sleep." Xielian said softly while hitting the other's chest.

"Mhm. Sleep." Hua Cheng covered both of them by the soft blanket.

The next day in the evening as everyone else was busy with their own things , Hua Cheng took xielian out in a date.

"San Lang , the Eiffel tower is so pretty from close." Xielian said as he practically hopped up and down.

"Yeah. It really is. Let's go somewhere else. " Hua Cheng gently pecked the younger and interwind their fingers.

"Umm. I wanna eat something.'' Xielian said after thinking some time.

"Okay." Hua Cheng, how could he say no to that face.

Time skip

"School has started again. How tiring!"

Hexuan said , sticking to the glass window like he was glued there.

All four of them were sitting inside an empty classroom. Hua Cheng and Xielian disappeared just as lunch break started.

"Those two I wonder where they went. They have been like this ever since we came back from Paris. "
Mu Qing said as he helped himself with some apples.

"Must be fucking each other." He Xuan scoffed.

"Guys let's do something. I am bored. How about-"
"NO" Shi Qing Xuan got cut off by the three as they helped themselves with their lunch.

"Whatever. I just wanted to ask what happened that day in the warehouse, you guys didn't-"

"Please A-xuan stop asking. I will tell you later okay." Hexuan said as he passed some chicken wings to her.

"Okay." He said, and how could he say no to that face.

Time skip:

Both of them were sitting in a rooftop terrace having dinner together.

"San Lang the moon looks so pretty today. And look the city looks so pretty too. "

"Yes. Nighttime after all. All lights are on, making the city look more pretty."

"San Lang, I love you."

"Hmm. I love you too."


?? POV :

"He has regained his memories. Whatever shall we do."

"Hmm.. go get him here. I want him."

"But... my Lord , he is with him. We can't-"

"GO. We don't want him hinder us again now do we."

"N-no my lord. I will try my best."

"Liya once I have Xielian , you get the other all for yourself. Go now , don't make me wait."

"Yes my lord."


Somewhere in a dark alley.

Liya: what do you mean you failed. You useless piece of trash.

Bald man 1: we tried to get Qing xuan but out of nowhere that prince came and and he killed our brothers and even destroyed the puppet.

Bald man 2: My lady. Please don't punish us.

Liya: humph. Ridiculous. Do your things as planned. I have other things to do. 

Bald men : yes my lady.

Liya: I should give those school bullies a call*mutters*

She opens her phone , the wallpaper of which was none other than Hua Cheng's photo.

Liya: I will soon get to you my love , that slut xielian, I have had enough of him.


Inside the school library

Xl : San Lang , gege.

Hc: ...... Mhm.

Xl: what are you doing in your laptop. I am bored.

Hc: I am doing some research.

Xl: let's go out after school okay.

Hc: okay.

Xl: the others must be finding us.

Hc: let them, stay here with me.

Xl: okay.

The masked boy (heaven official blessings fan fiction:-❄️🎄 Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now