Chapter 19

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{ hey my dear sweet berries and candies. I am back. I hope 🥺 u guys are all okay. If anyone has exams coming soon , Best Of Luck. }


Just hearing that name all of them gasped. They looked at each other uncertain about what to do.

"Didn't Jun Wu died ?" Pei Ming asked breaking the silence.

"No." Feng Xin shook his head.

"What do we do now ?" Qing Xuan asked as she creeped closer to He-  Xuan. "Nothing we will go as planned.  Group A will go towards the castle and the group B will stay close to the castle walls in the market. Group A will send a signal if they get into any kind of danger. Let's make our groups then ". Ling Wen said pushing up her glasses.

Feng Xin , Mu Qing and Hua Cheng made one group , Shi Qing Xuan , Hexuan , Ling Wen and Pei Ming made the other. Together they entered the kingdom of death and as soon as they reached the bustling city they nodded at each other. Hua Cheng and his group made their way to the castle and the others sticked together.


Xielian woke up and tried to sit up but fell back on the bed. He sighed and turned his head to the side to have a good view of the room. This room looked utterly different. It was a normal bedroom with white and wood accents on the wall. There was two big wooden wardrobe on the either side of the room, a modest dresser ,a full length mirror , a small sitting area and a tiny balcony. There was a small door on the right side of the room  , which he assumed was the bathroom. "So did that thing brought me here."  Xielian muttered as he closed his eyes and let out a shaky exhale.

{Author's note: I will refer to Bai Wuxiang/ Jun Wu as 'IT' or 'THAT THING' when its our good characters  talks about him. (ʘᴗʘ✿) }


The bed room door opened and a maid came inside with a tray of food and placed it on the small table in the sitting area. She turned and gave a small bow to Xielian and walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

Xielian looked at the woman when she bowed at him, she was wearing a thin white dress, her hair tied in a simple ponytail but most importantly she was wearing a mask , that was just like Bai Wuxiang but it had no patterns on it , it was blank. And it looked terrifying.  As soon as she left he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. 

After the woman left , Xielian looked at the food in front of him. Yes, he was hungry but he didn't want to eat that. It looked delicious , but who knows what that thing had mixed in the food. Xielian huffed in frustration. Slowly he sat up and leaned back on the headboard. He pushed aside the blanket and gasped , tears forming in the corner of his eyes. No wonder he wasn't able to sit up quickly, and his feet hurt..

His feet were shackled together at his ankles with very heavy iron chains. It wasn't tied to the bed cause it was already too heavy for him and the chains looked enchanted too.

Just then the door knob twisted and turned , it opened and a man in white funeral garb and a crying smiling mask came inside. Xie Lian looked up and felt his blood run cold.

"Xianle, you're awake." It said.


Hua Cheng, Fengxin and Muqing reached the foot of the mountain where the dark creepy castle was.
It looked more terrifying up close
they thought, though they weren't even climbing the mountain right now. Without further delay they climbed up and towards the castle.

"So ,what now.'' Mu Qing asked as quietly as possible.

All three of them were sitting under a tree surrounded by big bushes. There were guards roaming around the the castle's boundary walls. At first they thought of climbing it , but they dismissed the idea. Now they were plotting whether they should enter the castle from the front or from the back. "Let's wait, and think something ." Fengxin said as patted the smaller boy's back.

The masked boy (heaven official blessings fan fiction:-❄️🎄 Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now