Chapter 21

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The whole room cheered up at the news of  the new CEO. Some teared up cause they won't see Mr Hua again. Hua Cheng stood beside his father who had a proud expression as he introduced his son to all the buisness partners of their company. Hua Cheng was already bored by the time the party had begun. It was night time by then , as he squeezed his way out of the room and towards the small balcony. He sighed as the cool night breeze hit him softly, ruffling his silky black hair. He leaned on the railing crossing his arms as he closed his eye.
Suddenly he felt two pair of hands sliding from both his side and hugging his waist. A sincere and loving smile bloomed in his lips as he covered those beautiful small hands with his hand.

"San Lang." The boy behind him chirped. Hua Cheng turned around to see the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Xielian , his xielian , was looking up at him with his big doe eyes. So much sincerety , so much love and trust in those eyes, that Hua Cheng almost feels unworthy of it all.
He shook his head reminding himself that he belongs to Xie Lian, he is loved by him and everybody else. He now has a loving family and friends , if Hexuan considers him one too. And most importantly he has Xielian, his God back at his arms.

"San Lang, are you okay." Concerned lurched in those words as Xielian raised a hand and caressed the other's cheek. Hua Cheng covers that hand with his own. "Nothing I am fine." He asked as he gently took hold of the other's waist and pulled him closer.
They wrapped their hands around each in a comfortable hug. Xielian's hands placed around Hua Cheng's neck , and Hua Cheng's hands around his waist. " Dianxia." He breathed onto the other's mouth. They didn't know who had leaned forward first , as their lips met halfway into a temder kiss. They slowly kissed each other as if time had stopped. The moon was big and bright tonight. The cool night breeze ruffling their hairs. One could see a pair of birds cuddling up in their nest.

Hua Cheng reluctantly let go of the other's lips as -

"A-cheng. Where are yo-"

His mother called out to him breaking their little cozy time.

" Mom. Seriously, what is it now." As always he crossed his arms and pouted at her.

"Haha, I I am sorry. I was just wondering where you had run off to."
Kaya said nervously, as she looked at the blushing Xielian.

" We are leaving. Bye." Hua Cheng said as he held Xielian and walked out of the balcony.

" Okay, bye. Good Night." Kaya said walking back to the room along with the two of them.

"Bye aunty."
"Bye mom. Tell dad I am leaving."

They both shouted in unison and walked out of the room.

Both of them entered the parking lot giggling. "Wait right here." Hua Cheng said and quickly went away to bring the car. Xielian nodded rubbing his palms together as he already missed the  physical contact. Soon a sleek red car stopped infront of him as Hua Cheng came out of the driver seat and held open the door to the passenger seat. "After you , my prince." He bowed respectfully with a smile and elegance. "Thank you." Xielian laughed at the other's cuteness and got inside the car. Hua Cheng locked the door and went back to the driver seat. He turned on the engine. He turned on speaker where smooth music was playing and drove out of the hotel.

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The masked boy (heaven official blessings fan fiction:-❄️🎄 Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now