Chapter 11

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After ages of arguments Xielian finally fell asleep in Kayas arms.

Kaya looked at the boy in her arms and then looked back at her husband who was telling their stubborn son to go back to his room. After Hua Cheng left the room Kaya called out to her husband. "Hey hubby listen."

"What is it Kaya?"

"This boy , why does he looks so familiar."

".....You still don't know."

"Huh. What?"

"Xielian's family of course."

"Of course no."

"Well remember her, Yu Li. Xielian is Yu Li's son."

"........Yu Li but she..she... a.. and her family, they... they all died ,... "

"Hush, don't cry. I know you two were very good friends. It turned out their only child Xielian was kicked out of his own house after their death. All the properties that should have been his were forcefully taken by his uncle.
And since then the boy just disappeared, and that's why we're not able to find him.. But all these years he was in our son's school and in the same class...*sigh*..."

After listening to the whole situation Kaya started crying while holding xielian tightly. "We we are going to keep him with us from now... No matter what.. *sob*." She crying...

"Yea but.. we have to take things slowly forward. We don't want to upset him do we.."

"No. He is like my own son *sob*. I will sleep here you go back to our room." She said sticking out her tounge .

"Okay good night."


Hua Cheng, who was outside the room heard everything. He couldn't help but weep soundlessly. He flopped on his bed and looked at the ceiling and thought.

"First his Highness doesn't have his memories. Second I got to know he  is bullied severely. And now this..... AHH. I am useless right... Yes I am... I am useless... Your highness, dianxia, gege sorry.....*sob*."

He didn't know when he fell asleep thinking about Xielian.

Small rays of sunshine came inside the room without any invitation. They landed on some parts of the room making it look beautiful. Two figures can be seen tangled up in a big bed where sunlight has fallen on the hairs giving them a golden glow.

Xielian's eyes fluttered open. He felt something comfy and he leaned into it closing his eyes once more. After a few moments Kaya opened her eyes and saw Xielian  snuggling into her chest. She smiled and gently caressed his head.

"Hey , A-lian. Wake up." She said softly and patted his back gently. "Hmm." She hummed and caressed his head once again. "Baby wake up."

"Hmm." Xie Lian opened his eyes and looked up to see his beautiful aunty looking at him. Suddenly.....

"AHH hahahaha. Sorry sorry. ... I didn't mean to.. I am so-" Xielian was cut off by a kiss on his forehead and his face immediately redden.

"Why in the morning you are saying sorry Huh. It's okay we cuddled last night and you were looking like a bunny. Haha. Now come on. Get fresh up and come downstairs, breakfast time!!." She said smiling and exited the room leaving behind a blushing xielian.

"We cuddled last night. Wait What.....
I .. I am not a pervert." He said to himself as he wore the white shirt which was way too big for him. "Seems like this belong to San Lang."
He giggled at the thought and ran out of the room only bump into someone and fall back. Luckily the latter held him before he landed on the cold floor.

The masked boy (heaven official blessings fan fiction:-❄️🎄 Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now