PART 2 🌨️

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[ hi 🤗 my sweet berries and candies.
Hope you are okay 😃. Sorry for the late update 😔. I was busy with school work. It's tiring 😭 you know that.
So from today our journey begins. A hualian fan fiction. The story will be updated once or twice a week 🤠. Yo..
So let's begin.🤗.✓]

A new morning. The beginning of a new day. Everyone is getting ready for their day. A busy morning indeed.

Inside a small apartment , in a corner a bed can be seen. In it a figure is lying peacefully untill. Trin trin tring. The calling bell goes off with a loud voice calling," xielian" . Xielian woke up with the bang on his front door . '' Uh , not again." he thought to himself . He came out of his bed and dragged his feet towards the door. He unlocked the door and saw a middle aged woman in front of him. "Good Morning , Mrs Yi." he said his voice still raspy from sleep. "sigh , good you're awake." the woman said with sigh. Xielian nodded . "Here have some breads and omellete for breakfast. Don't go to school hungry , okay." she said while giving him a bag. "thank you, Mrs Yi." he said with a quick bow. "nevermind'' she said and went away. Xielian closed the door and put the bag on the table and headed towards the shower.                                                                                   

He came out of the shower and put on his clean clothes which he usually wears to school. He ate his bread with some jam and put the dishes on the  sink to wash thyem later. He took his scool  bag and petted his little white dog ryoue . "be good and stay here okay. i will be back soon ." With that he wore his mask and started his journey to school.

Xielian studies at one of the most proficient institutions , where most of the rich goes to study. But he is scholarship student out there. Though he came from  village his parents were rich. His family owned large farms including a few resturants on the nearby town. His grades were always good and when he reached high school he got the scholarship to study in this institution. Everything was going good for him for the first six months. Just after his first half yearly exam result was given he went back to his home to see his parents . When he reached his house it was around 6pm in the evening. he already told his parents thart he is rriving home then why was there noone in the house . He waited for at least fifteen minutes. Thenm thought he should call them again. As soon as he took his phone it rang he took the call and he was called to the city hospital. He was schoked but went there. when he reached there the nurse took him to the ward where hios parents dead body was kept. when he heard that his parents died last night just after his call h started crying. This wasn't all his uncle stealed all his property and kicked him out of the family. After then he started living in many places and worked on harsh condition to feed himself. One day after school as he tried to find some work he bumped onto a middle aged woman named "Mrs Yi." she took him with her and let him live on the small room on top of her vintage house and also let him work at a cafe which was in a good place for him not far from home and not far from school either. Its been 8 whole months he is living with her but the woman never asked him pay for living there instead told him that she has no one so he is her companion and is like her own son.

Thinking about his own life he didn't even notice when he reached school. With a sigh he went to wards his locker. As usual he opened it and a few boxes of chocolates and a few letters fell down. He shook his head and picked them up and kept the chocolates inside a plastic bag and the letters inside a corner of the locker. He may not talk to much but he has a very sweet heart. He never throws away all the gifts the girls give him like others. He keeps them instead. After that he goes for his classes.

The bell rang indicating that classes were over. All the students took their belongings and went on their ways.
Xielian was just about to head back home but suddenly remembered he left his phone in his classroom. He went to back to retrieve it. As he came out taking his phone he suddenly bumped onto something more likely someone. He fell down with his butt on the floor holding his head. "Ah.." he softly muttered under the mask. "Are you alright?" A voice came from the other with a hand streched out. Xielian looked up and saw a boy dressed in red maybe around his age or older. He took the other's streched out hand as he stood up. "I am sorry I didn't mean to bump into you." He said with a quick bow. "No it's okay. It was my fault. I should have let you go first. Instead of standing here." The other said. Xielian stiffened after hearing the last sentence.'He was standing here. How long !' he thought.
"I..I should be going now. S..Sorry once again for earlier." He said and without waiting for the other to reply he quickly went away cursing himself along the way for suddenly stuttering in front of the stranger.

since exam started Xielian took leave from his work for the time being.
The exam over means vacation. Xielian had nowhere to go so he just did as his usual routine. Waking up , doing daily necessities ' going to work, taking ryoue out on weekends etc.      

Xielian almost forgot about the boy in red at school. He didn't think about the small incident twice. But what is unexpected happens the most. He didn't know that his life is going to change now. Meeting people he never met before, doing things he never did before..


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