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He felt like he was floating around. He tried to open his eyes as bright light hit his face. Before him was a beautiful scenery filled with maple trees on both sides of the dusty road.
A bullock cart was passing by the maple trees. Two person sat at the back of the cart, laughing. He didn't know what was going on. He tried to get a closer look at them but suddenly the scenery changed. This time he felt someone had caught him, so lightly as if he is a flower.

Even before he can process his head for what's happening everything changes once again and he felt strike against his chest and felt something sharp pierced through him , threatening to tear him. He tried to scream but he couldn't. Everything was blurry. He tried to wriggle away from whatever was piercing him. It hurts he thought , silent tears rolled down from his eyes. He could see a weird green coloured fireball floating around and shaking as if it's crying. Thinking it's his end he slowly closed his eyes.

He felt like someone is following him.
He looked back. No one. He looked to his sides . No-one. He just shrugged his shoulders and procides to sleep. He already had all those weird dreams. As he closed his eyes he felt something hovering above him. He was too scared and this was odd. He felt like he knew about this weird hoverer. He slowly cracked his eyes open and felt his blood run cold.

Something oddly familiar and not familiar at the same time a person with a crying smiling mask called out to him from above.

"Xianle. How are you!"




Xielian woke up with a scream. He touched his chest and nothing happened to him there. He touched his face as tears rolled down his cheeks. He looked around to see anything unusual, but everything was normal. He stumbled out of the bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face. He came out to see it was already 6.13 am. He sighed and started his morning routine.

He walked down the pile of stairs and after saying their usual greetings with Ms Yi he walked out of her shop only to see two figures standing there.

"Hey Morning. Feng Xin. Morning Mu Qing. " He called out as he jogged over to them.

They both looked at him.
"Good morning, Xielian."

Mu Qing ran to him and enveloped him in a warm hug to which Feng Xin joined quickly.

They walked to the bus stop together only to stop when they were being stopped by a familiar person.

"Hey morning Xielian."

Well it was Hua Cheng leaning on his car waiting outside the alley Xielian came out.

"Oh. Hey San Lang. Good morning."
Xielian said as they quickly shared a hug.

"I thought of picking you up but then I saw these two go that way so I thought of waiting here. Shall we go now." He said softly as he opened the door of the passenger seat.

Before Xielian could complete his sentence Fengxin cut off. "Well three of us go  together today.''

"Then sit at the back you two."
Hua Cheng said with a smile which was most certainly fake.

Both Fengxin and Muqing knew the word danger and quickly ran away.
Hua Cheng looked pleased and motioned Xielian to sit.

After they both buckled up they drove to school.

It was complete silence inside the car.
It was becoming unbearable to Xielian.  He constantly glanced at the boy beside him. But to no avail. He sighed and looked out.

The masked boy (heaven official blessings fan fiction:-❄️🎄 Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now