New Friends

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Karin's POV

" Hey Tomato it's been a while." said Sasuke. Another year and I still have to deal with this shit. " What the fuck do you want I need to get to class." I said. " It doesn't matter how early you are to class you'll never beat me at becoming Valedictorian." Sasuke said. Maybe its because it's been years of this but he's really pissing me off today. " We'll see." I said and walked off.

         I got to class and saw Sakura and Hinata. " Hey Karin over here." Sakura said. " Hey guys whats up." I said. " The teacher isn't here yet but are you sitting with us at lunch today."said Hinata. " I don't know to be honest who are your friends." I asked. " Well we have Naruto, Suigetsu, Ino, Sai, Jugo, & us." Sakura said. " Don't forget Sa-"Hinata began to say. " ANYWAYS Sensi Orochimaru is here be quiet." said Sakura. We were quiet for the rest of class and after my next class was lunch.

        I got to my class and the first person I saw was Sasuke. "Hey tomato looks like ur assigned seat is right next to mine." Sasuke said. I went and sat down. " Calm down you almost seem excited about this." I said. " Not in the slightest Tomato the way you ran over here I'd have the mind to think your inlove with me." Sasuke said. " I'd die before I fall inlove with a moron like you asshole." I said. He just laughed which pissed me off. " Okay settle down class since it's the first day and the person next to you will be your partner for the rest of the year you will do this worksheet to get to know each other better have fun." said Asuma sensi.

         "Seems you lucked out Tomato your stuck with me for the rest of the year so it's one class you'll be able to pass."Sasuke said. I just glared at him. "What's your favorite food?" I asked. I could have been imagining things since I needed new glass but was he slightly blushing? "Um... I dont have one but what's your favorite food." he said awkwardly. "I like okonomiyaki." I replied.  It went on like this but he was normal answering the rest of the questions. But the last question said who do we hate and we answered each other and started laughing but that quickly ended and we just glared at each other and then we just talked about what was for lunch.

        Class ended and we went our separate ways. I went to go meet Hinata and Sakura at their classroom and we walked to lunch together. We got our lunch and made our way to the table and sat down and sitting right infront of me was the asshole himself.

                            Sasuke's POV

        I looked up from my lunch and the first thing I see is Tomato. " I guess seeing me last class wasn't enough for you." I said. " Shut up Sasuke if I knew you'd be here I wouldn't even had sat down." She's had more backbone when I've made fun of here recently and I like a challenge. " Thats cute but we've all been friends since high school started why wouldn't I be here?" I said smirking. She glared at me and said, "Dont flatter yourself I dont keep up with what you do with your life so why would I know that and when I asked Sakura who would be here your name wasn't mentioned."She then glared at Sakura."Hinata tried to tell her but I knew she wouldn't willing sit with us if she knew you were here but Karin please stay." Sakura said. "Whatever just don't think me and you will become friends ." I said. "I wouldn't dream of it." Karin said. "Are y'all done so we can do introductions." Hinata said. " Go ahead." Karin and I said at the same time.

       "Okay so you know Sasuke and Sakura already but Naruto is the boy with blonde hair and blue eyes he's there for anyone no matter what and has such a way with words and he's also my soon to be boyfriend he's not sitting with us though cause he likes the keep his friend choices open. Ino is the girl with long blonde hair she's really popular and is in alot of drama but you can't help but love her and that's her bf right next to her his name is Sai it's quiet but is bold he has zero chill with what he says. Suigetsu is the boy with white hair and blue tips he's really funny but mad annoying. Jugo is the boy with orange hair he has anger issues but will protect you no matter what." Hinata said.

     " Welcome to the group Tomato how does it feel to finally have friends." I said. " Its really great to have NEW friends and I'm glad to meet you all." Karin said. " Same can said for us Karin it's nice to finally have someone pretty in the group." Suigetsu said. She blushed don't tell me she likes that idiot.

"You dont have to suck up to every girl you see to get a girlfriend nobody wants you and your basically a pervert with your white hair trying to get with young girls and you should really get that tooth check out you shark and you should really focus on your studies considering you barely passed last year idiot." I looked over at Karin to see her holding in a laugh, so she thinks I'm funny. "Sasuke that was uncalled for but thank you Suigetsu no one's ever called me pretty before..." Karin said quietly. I don't know why she's lying for attention that couldn't be true but of course I'm not gonna say that. " Makes sense." I said and she glared at me.

      " So you've never had a boyfriend Karin? That's tragic." Sakura asked/said. " Why would you ask her such a obvious question." I said. "Sakura you haven't had one either yet you have a new crush every week and can't pull any of them." Suigetsu said. The whole table was laughing except Sakura.

         "Have you ever been asked out?" Ino asked. "I've never had a boyfriend and I've never been asked out it doesn't matter though I have more important things to worry about and do with my time." Karin said. Her answer didn't surprise me considering I was the reason for it. "You know I think you and Sasuke would be cute." Hinata said. We both spit out our drinks I was slightly blushing so I faked like I was choking. "Why would you think such a slow thing like that?" I asked. "Y'all have known each other for years it'd be so cute." Ino said. "Exactly." Hinata said. " No thank you." Karin said clearly annoyed. She got up threw her stuff away and left I guess cause lunch is almost over. I wonder if we have anymore classes together?

                           Karin's  POV

         I went to the girls bathroom. I had to leave why would they say Sasuke and I would be cute together? He hates me and I hate him but he started blushing then choking like an idiot. I hope our next class isn't together. Thankfully it wasn't I had it with Naruto and Hinata. The rest of the day was easy and fun but then it was the last class of the day I walk in and everyone was in there including Sasuke and I was in his group unfortunately. But it went by pretty smooth and we barely argued and I loved our teacher he was so chill and laid back. The day ended and Sasuke, Naruto, and I walked together since they lived near my new job. I'm glad to say for once I'm looking forward to school tomorrow.


Whoever is reading this I love this story so much and no matter what I am going to finish it and I want to make Karin's class period friends clear:
1st: Hinata and Sakura
2nd: Sasuke
Lunch: Sasuke, Hinata, Sakura, Naruto, Ino, Sai, Suigetsu, Jugo
3rd: Hinata and Naruto
4th: Suigetsu, Hinata, Sai
5th: Sakura, Jugo, Ino, Sai
6th: Sasuke, Hinata, Sakura, Naruto, Ino, Sai, Suigetsu, Jugo ( The group table- Sasuke, Naruo, Ino)

I hope you like the story bye.

Tomato (SasuKarin)Where stories live. Discover now