I can't just... stay away... from you

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                            Karin's POV

      I can barely breathe what the fuck was that. It was like we were about to kiss! But why? How? What was the purpose holds my hand, lets me wear his hoodie, walks we home, then we almost kiss?! We're getting to close and I can't do that I have to focus I don't have time to catch feelings for that asshole. I have to focus on school and become Valedictorian so I'll just have to distance myself. To make things worse I have to see him later today. I guess I should just sleep and hope for the best.

        I woke up and decided why take a shower if I'm finna get sweaty so I just put clothes on. I decided to wear black sweatpants and a red and black sports bra. I just put my hair in a messy bun. Then go eat breakfast and decide I'll head to Sakura's now.

   I get to her house and knock and Jugo answers. "Wait why are you here already?" I said surprised. "I live close by so I decided to just wait here for everyone else nothing more." He said sharply. I didn't mean to hint at something with had I said he has bothered by it dont tell me- "KARIN HEY!" Sakura said jumping to give me a hug. "Hey!" I said smiling hugging her back. "Come in and by the way if got any ideas about why he's here early stop them. But I need to talk to you it's something important." Sakura said. I nodded following her to her room.

       "You can sit down its something I've been thinking and feeling for while now." She said seriously. At this point she was getting on my nerves. "What is it." I said. "I- I'm- So like you know sasuke right. The one we hang out with. I really like him." She said. "Okay and what do want me to do about that." I said annoyed. "As one of my best friends I want you to back off." She said sharply.

     "The fuck do mean back off." I said sharply glaring at her. "Don't play dumb with me bitch you have feelings for him and he has feelings for you but I've been friends with him longer and have had these feelings longer so I'm asking you to please back off." She said staring at me. I don't really know why but something in me snapped. "Look bitch I don't know who the fuck you think you are but I'm not "backing off" Sasuke. I have zero feelings for him like he has zero feelings for me but if I did there's no way in hell I'd give up on him for you. You have been friends for a longer time but I've known him for years know your place." I said she looked shocked but I got up and walked out her room. After that conversation there's no way in hell I'm distancing myself for Sasuke bring it bitch.

                            Sasuke's POV

    I was doing a lot of thinking and I decided whatever me and Tomato have going on it cant happen... not right now. Not when we both are reaching for the same goal. I have to focus and I can't do that with how things have been going. I may have to be cold to her but it is what it is I should get ready now and head to Sakura's. I'll just wear a hoodie and some sweats again. I go to eat breakfast with Itachi.

     "Every time you hangout with your friends you come home late." he said. "I don't mean too we just lose track of time." I said. "How come when you used to hangout with your friends you came home earlier than expected then." He said. I hadn't even realized that. "Things have change." I said. " Is it perhaps because of Karin." He said eyeing me to see a reaction. He had a point it is because of her I felt like maybe my brother would have an answer to my problem. 

   "Yes things have change since she joined the group but not just me. Everyone has changed and everything. She really stands out and not just because of her hair. She has grown from how she used to be. She doesn't tolerate any bull shit if she thinks it's wrong she speaks up and she's brutally honest and she makes sure everyone is passing their classes. She brings out a different side in everyone. She really fits in so well and it's only been like 3-4 months. She brought us all closer together and made us some what comfortable with ourselves." I said not realizing I'm smiling.

Tomato (SasuKarin)Where stories live. Discover now