We Don't Work

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                             Karin's POV

        It's now May and the level of comfort me and Sasuke have reached is unbelievable. We'll literally just show up at each other's house and sometimes just stay there for days. We hold hands all the time now but we haven't kiss since he pushed me against the wall that day. But the thing is we never text each other outside the group chat we've never had a private conversation over text. I actually like that we only talk in person. I haven't seen Sasuke for a few days though because he went with Itachi on a business trip so we haven't talked since before he left. I actually really miss him and that kinda scares me.

Hinata🥺: Hey Karin lets have a girls day with the others we don't need you sulking over Sasuke forever.

Me: If anything he's most likely sulking over me. But I'm down lets meet up at the park.

Hinata🥺: Okay see you there.

I get ready then leave. It's just Hinata when I get there. "Sakura and Ino will be here soon but can we have a talk?" Hinata asked. "Sure what about." I asked confused. "It's about Sasuke how do you feel about him honestly." Hinata said and I could tell she was serious. I've ever only talked to Izumi about Sasuke but Hinata's my best friend and I trust her. "I like him at this point I'm sure of it there's no denying it anymore." I confessed and she smiled. "Do you miss him? Have y'all talked since he left?" Hinata asked. "Yes and no we haven't." I said looking down.

"Aww thats cute you miss Sasuke." Ino said walking up with Sakura. "You haven't texted him thats weird me and Sasuke have talked everyday since he left." Sakura said smiling. "Okay but who starts the conversations?" I asked. "Well me but he responds." She said nodding. "Good for you." I said rolling my eyes. "Karin he comes back today in case you didn't know." Ino said. I actually didn't know that. "That's great." I said. "Karin you know it's always been you for Sasuke right." Hinata whispered and I blushed. "Guys he's almost here let's go meet him by the gate." Sakura said running. "I'll tell everyone else to meet us let's go." Ino said. So we made our way to the gate it's kinda disappointing he told Sakura he's here but not me.

By the time Sasuke came everyone was there. Sakura ran up to him blushing and was really close like she was expecting something. When she started leaning in I don't know what came over me but I push her aside and Sasuke smiled at me.

Sasuke's POV

I was close to the village so I texted Sakura and told her since she said she was hanging out with the girls. Sakura has really been the only one texting me this week so it gave me something to do. I wish Tomato would text me but we don't do that. I got to the gates and Tomato was standing there I was about to go over to her when Sakura ran up to me. She was really close and started leaning in but before I could push her away Tomato did it. I thought it was cute so I smiled at her I was gonna go in for a kiss since it's been months since we last did that but she shift out of the way and hugged me instead. She was mad at me for not texting her I could tell. But it's been awhile so I was really enjoying that hug until everyone thought it'd be fun to join in. So I pushed everyone off. "So I can't leave anymore what are y'all going to do when we go off to college?" I asked. "I'd follow you there." Sakura said. "I'd appreciate if you didn't three is a crowd." I said. "Exactly Karin and Sasuke don't need you there with them." Hinata said I looked over and saw Tomato blushing. "Oh." Sakura said sadly. I guess I may have given her the wrong impression with us talking everyday but at this point I think it's obvious Tomato's the only one I think about. So I grab her hand then Izumi comes and runs to Itachi they're finally together. We then head home.

I pull her up to my room because we need to talk. "I've missed you." Tomato said. "Then why didn't you kiss me." I said. "Why'd you message Sakura every day and not me." Tomato said. "We've never texted before I don't know. Nothing is ever going to happen with me and Sakura she messaged me and I responded that's all it was." I said and she looked upset. "Whats wrong?" I said concerned. "Why are we like this we aren't even together but we have so much relationship problems." Tomato said. She was right it was new problem every week with us lately. "That's right but we always workout the problem the day it happens and it's the same with this one we're talking about it." I said and she nodded.

I pull her in for a hug and went in for a kiss and she responded quickly this time but she was too aggressive because I fall onto the bed. I don't like the fact she's on top of me so I roll over onto her not breaking our kiss. She stops kissing me to get air so I put my tongue in her mouth it's cute she tries to dominate me but I won. I pull back and you can see a few lines of spit she then wraps her legs around me and pulls we back down into another kiss. I break away and lick her lips and kiss down her neck I can hear her breathing getting heavy so I lightly bite her neck and start sucking for a good few minutes but I get interrupted when Itachi calls us for dinner.

She unwraps her legs and I get up and help her up. "Wanna continue after dinner?" I asked smirking. "Shut up lets go eat." She said blushing.

Karin's POV

I don't know what came over me when I wrapped my legs around Sasuke but I'm glad it happened. I'm kinda disappointed we got interrupted. "Hey Karin I just wanted to tell you that you can start moving in next week." Izumi said happily I smiled. "Karin why's your neck red?" Sasuke said all innocently he's such an asshole. "I was scratching it too hard." I said. We all just talked about school and work for a good 10 minutes and I had gotten up to put my plate in the sink. "Karin is that a hickey on your neck?" Itachi asked. I froze because I didn't want to answer that. "Yes it is." Sasuke said smirking. "Do y'all atleast use protection?" Izumi asked. "We haven't done that yet." I said. "Yet." Sasuke said raising an eyebrow he was having too much fun with this. "I'm gonna go home now thank you for dinner and welcome back." I said before leaving and I basically ran home. I was right outside my apartment building when Sasuke came running up out of no where. "Tomato lets talk inside." Sasuke said and went ahead of me and I followed.

We were sitting quietly on the couch so I decided to break the silence. "Lets watch a movie or something." I said getting up but Sasuke grabbed me. "I want to ask you something." Sasuke said blushing. "Okay." I said nervously. "I've been thinking about this for a while and I really like you Tomato. I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend?" Sasuke asked. "I also really like you so yes I'll be your girlfriend." I said smiling. Then we kissed.

Sasuke's POV

The thing about dating Tomato is it became really awkward and our friends just made it worse. "Sasuke sit next to your girlfriend." "Sasuke hold your girlfriends hand." "Sasuke give your girlfriend a hug." I've heard it all this past week and it made me very uncomfortable so not to my surprise Tomato broke up with me after a week of dating. So now everything was just off and we only speak when we have too. I told her I never want there to be a time I'm right next to her and can't talk to her but I don't know how to fix this . But she was busy moving out of her apartment into Izumi's house.

Me: Hey Tomato um I was wondering if we could talk

Tomato🍅💜 : Hey um yeah we can talk today just come over

So I head over there and she lets me in. "So what did you want to talk about." She said avoiding eye contact. "Well you could look at me and I wanted to talk about us like where exactly do we stand." I said and she look dead at me but I couldn't read her face. "I honestly don't know Sasuke it's weird between us now and maybe we should leave each other alone for a while." Tomato said. "Do you honestly mean that?! You broke up with me and now you're pushing me away?!" I asked/said. "Yes Sasuke it's obvious we don't work but we tried." She said coldly and her eyes were cold. "No I tried and you gave up, whatever have space I'm leaving." I said and walked out.

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It's fun to write this one cause this my second try at it. Um it may be odd but the future holds a lot. Remember that the different color hearts mean something. They really get on my nerves though like fall inlove already. Also check out my newest book. I hope you enjoyed. Have a nice day.
~ Kris

Tomato (SasuKarin)Where stories live. Discover now