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                                Karin's POV

      It's been a month since we've been at the beach house and Sasuke's been acting different. We share a bed and he won't sleep next to me. I try to talk to him but he makes his responses quick. He'll leave the house but won't tell anyone where's he's going. When I asks him what's wrong he just says "your not my girlfriend so don't worry about."

          "Sasuke can you just talk to me please.", I said. "What the fuck do you want?", He asked coldly rolling to face me from the floor. "I just want to know what's wrong with you. You walk around like you're hurting everyday and you barely talk to us and you won't hangout with us. Just tell me what's wrong I want to help you but I can't if you won't let me.", I said.

      "Just go to sleep and leave me alone.", he said rolling over. "I don't know what I did to for you to act like this but it really hurts you asshole.", I said. "Well not everything's about you so shut up and leave me the fuck alone damn! Why don't you go play volleyball with Garra or whatever the fuck you do with him!", Sasuke yelled standing up. "No one said it's about me but you won't talk to me and tell me what's wrong so I thought I did something! You have me blaming myself for you acting like an asshole for no reason. Your mostly there when me and Garra play so I don't even know you put it like that!", I yelled back.

         "No one told you to blame yourself so stop complaining! Your always all happy and smiles with him and you said you wanted to play volleyball right! If you're fucking him to help you just say that cause who would actually spend time with you on purpose!", He yelled glaring at me and I slapped. "What the fuck is wrong with you all we play is volleyball you over jealous asshole!", I yelled. "Whatever shouldn't you be giving your fans attention?", He asked rolling his eyes. "I don't care about them I'm worried about you so just talk to me.", I said. "Why do care!", He yelled. "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, YOU ASSHOLE.", I yelled at him then I covered my mouth and he looked shocked but then his face dropped. "Well don't cause I don't love you and I never will so just go sleep and leave me alone forever.", he said laying back down.

    "Fuck you asshole.", I said crying so I left the room and everyone was out there. "Come here Karin.", Hinata said opening her arms so I cried into her shoulder. "Let's go beat his ass.", Suigetsu said. "Right behind you.", Naruto said. "I'll help.", Sai said. "Me too.", Ino said. I didn't care to stop them but they came back after 5 minutes. "Ino's the only one who managed to slap him.", Suigetsu said sadly. "It's fine.", I said wiping my tears. "So you love Sasuke Karin.", Ino said. "Yes but he's going through something so even though he's pushing me away I'm gonna continue to be there for him until he truely doesn't want me anymore.", I said. "But he said he'll never love you.", Sakura said. "Well I think he already does which is why he's pushing me away.", I said. "The fuck kind of logic is that?", Sakura asked. "Quiet Sakura and okay Karin are you going back in there?", Hinata asked and I nodded.

  I walked in there after talking with Hinata for a few minutes and he was asleep laying on the floor still. So I went and laid next to him and wrapped my arms around him and fell asleep. I woke up in the bed and Sasuke was laying next to me. "I'm sorry Karin.", He said. "Asshole.", I said getting up but he grabbed my arm. "Today's the fireworks are you gonna watch them with me?", He asked. "Of course.", I said and he nodded.

   "So how do you feel.", Hinata asked. "He apologized.", I said. "Doesn't mean you should forgive him.", Suigetsu said. "He could just be sorry for making you cry and not what he said.", Sakura said laughing . "Bitch your mouth is really gonna get you slapped again.", I said glaring at her. "Nothing about you scares anyone except for the way you were crying last night.", Sakura said. "You wanna hear crying?", I said punching her in the face then Naruto grabbed me and pulled me back. "Stupid bitch.", She said spitting at me and Jugo grabbed her. "Watch you tone whore.", I said kicking her in the face. She snatched away from Jugo and ran towards me so I swung Naruto around so he'd fall against her and they fell over. "Can y'all stop!", Ino yelled. "Exactly we can't break anything we can't afford.", Suigetsu said. "I'm fine just tired of her shit.", I said.

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