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                             Karin's POV

      Today was the first day back since break and I haven't been responding to anybody's text. Not that I was cutting everybody off but I just wanted to have some time to think and sit with myself. I went downstairs and Izumi was standing there like she was waiting for me. "So your not gonna be with Sasuke over what I said?", Izumi asked. "It's not your fault so don't blame yourself. I have to go now bye.", I said leaving. I walked down the street and when I turned the corner everyone was standing there. "Hey guys.", I said and they pushed Sasuke out in front of me. "Hey Tomato. We didn't get to finish our conversation yesterday. I still want to be with you. I know Izumi's influencing your decisions.", Sasuke said and I slapped him and every gasped. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you Sasuke. I don't want to be with you. So leave me alone.", I said pushing past them and Hinata followed me. "Karin why are you pushing Sasuke away?", Hinata asked. "Because I want to.", I said. "No you don't Karin.", Hinata said and I turned around and everyone else was gett closer. "I'm sick today.", I said and then I ran off.

I got home and slammed the door behind me. Seems like Izumi already left for work. Which is conveniently early today. I went into my room and locked the door. I don't understand why people care so much about what happens between me and Sasuke it's annoying. Now everyone was spamming the group chat. I'll read the messages but I'm not responding.

Ino🤩: Karin if Sasuke died tomorrow you'd feel like an idiot

Hinata🥺: Why are trying so hard to suppress your feelings?

Naruto🍥: He loves you Karin and he's hurting more than you but your also in pain

Gaara🏐🖤: Karin stop hurting yourself

Suigetsu🦈: I'm giving my okay for y'all to be together

Sai🖌: We do not care

Ino🤩: If you can look us dead in the eyes and tell us you don't want to be with him we'll leave you alone

Hinata🥺: I'm not gonna promise that

I turned off my phone and went to sleep. I woke up around lunch time and there was no food in the fridge. So I went out to go get lunch. As I was walking I ran into Itachi. I was gonna walk past but he moved in my way. "Hey Karin.", Itachi said. "Hi Itachi.", I said. "Why aren't you in school. Also since your not in school why would leave your house when there's a possibility you could run into someone you know?", Itachi asked. "I want lunch. Can I go now?", I asked. "Come eat lunch with me.", Itachi said."Fine.", I said. When we got back to his house I sat down at the table as he warmed up left overs. It was quiet until the food was done and he came and sat down. "So you slapped my brother?", Itachi asked. "Yes.", I said as he handed me a plate.

      "Why?", He asked. "Wouldn't he tell you why?", I asked. "I want to hear it from you.", Itachi said. "I told him I didn't want to he with him and he wouldn't leave me alone so I slapped him.", I said. "Okay. I want to tell you something.", Itachi said. "Go ahead.", I said. "Remember when Sasuke was pushing you away and you didn't let him until he kissed someone else. Sasuke's you in this situation but I know you won't kiss anyone else. You have no interest in Suigetsu and Gaara already kissed you and you ended it with him. I'm sure other people like you but you obviously have no interest in them. Sasuke won't stop fighting for you even when you break his heart. He loves you Karin and it's always been you for him.", Itachi said and I heard tears drip into my food.

"Whatever.", I said wiping my eyes. "You hurting yourself won't make Izumi happy. Izumi knows Sasuke won't hurt you again but she'll always have that fear in the back of her mind. You know I would never hurt Izumi but I'm sure you've already planned my murder just in case. Your only in high school so this whole thing is probably over exaggerated but it's fine.", Itachi said. "Not until after I become valedictorian.", I said. "If he beats you?", He asked. "Not a chance in hell.", I said getting up. "Where are you going?", He asked. "To school.", I said leaving. I got to the school and I went to my first class even though everyone was in there fourth class of the day. I got my work and went to my fourth class.

Tomato (SasuKarin)Where stories live. Discover now