The Group Chat

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                              Karin's POV

      I woke up with a message from Hinata.
Hinata🥺: Hey Karin I forgot to ask but do u want to get added to the gc with everyone

Me: Sure

    I went to take a shower and came back to 20 messages.

Hinata🥺: Hey guys I'm adding Karin

Suigetsu🦈: About damn time

Sakura🌸: You didn't even ask everyone but go ahead.

Ino🐽: Sasuke and Karin finna be flirting in the gc now I cant-

Sai🖌: More like sexting outside the gc

Naruto🍥: They're in denial they wont even message each other outside the gc

Sai🖌: Sexting in the gc it is then

Jugo✨: She's gonna leave if y'all start doing too much

Sakura🌸: Sasuke doesn't even answer the gc

Naruto🍥: Well if he starts then we'll all know

Suigetsu🦈: They dont like each other dont force it

Sakura🌸: Exactly they get annoyed every time yall mention it

Sai🖌: Sakura if Sasuke's your new crush just say that

Hinata🥺: If he is dont take it out on Karin when he doesn't like you back

Naruto🍥: Sasuke and Karin will come around dont worry guys

Jugo✨: I wanna be best man if it happens

Hinata🥺: I wanna be maid of honor

Sakura🌸: I'll be maid of honor we're best friends

Ino🐽: I thought were best friends billboard

Sakura🌸: We are pig

                          *New message*

Sai🖌: So is she ignoring the gc or what

Me: Can I not take a shower?

Naruto🍥: Hey

Hinata🥺: Hey

Unknown number: Who is that random number?

Naruto🍥: That's Karin Sasuke

Sasuke😐🖤: Ok

    It was easier getting Sasuke's number this way cause I'll die before I straight up ask for it. They were right though we'd never message each other outside the group chat. That's the only thing they were right about though. It'd be normal though because I don't message Suigetsu or Sai outside the other group chats I'm in with them.

                              Sasuke's POV

     It's funny how simple life can be I didn't want to ask Tomato for her number so I found a simple way to get it. I told Naruto to not add her to the gc so he then goes and gets Hinata ask her if she wants to be in it. Obviously she said yes. And I didn't have to do any work. The thing is I'll pass away before I text her first. I also hate the gc because they always do way to much in there for no reason. I only answer and read messages when I'm bored. I hate when they message me privately because I'm really bad at texting. Of course as soon as I think that Sakura, Naruto, Sai, Ino, and Suigetsu message me.

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