Nor will we ever date

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Karin's POV

Of course with my luck I picked Sasuke. I had no idea what to get him but I wanted it too be nice. So I'll take any shift at work that's available for the next 2 weeks guess me and Sasuke will only talk during school then. I wonder who he got and who got me.

It's been a week and if I'm not in school or sleeping I'm at work. The thing is Sasuke has been hanging out with Sakura a lot this past week and I asked him why but he wouldn't say. He would walk her home and sit next to her at lunch and go to her class to get her for lunch. Just seeing them together I hated it for some reason.

       I'm at work when they walk in together. "Hey Karin can we get sum dango to eat here please." Sakura said all happy. "I thought we we're gonna take it too go." Sasuke said. "I know I said we could eat at my house but I changed my mind." Sakura said. I guess they are dating huh and here I thought- "Whatever lets just hurry up." Sasuke said. They sat down and I gave them their food. Shorty after they left.

      I wake up and head to school I catch up to Naruto. "Hey Naruto." I said. "Hey Karin do you think Sasuke and Sakura are dating?" He asked eyeing me. "They went on a date yesterday at my job so maybe." I said staring at the ground. "That asshole I'll beat his ass don't worry Karin and I don't know what happened I honestly thought he was inlove with you." He said. "I wanna help but it's fine whatever makes him happy." I said.

  I got to class and sat down I saw Hinata and Sakura weren't speaking. "What's wrong?" I asked. "You know what's wrong." Hinata said. Oh yeah I had told her what happened yesterday and she now despises Sasuke and doesn't want to speak to Sakura. "Oh yeah." I said smiling it's nice to know she really stands with me.

  Unfortunately I'm now sitting next to Sasuke in Asuma Sensi's class and we're not speaking at all, he tried I shut him down though. "Tomato just talk to me." Sasuke said. I glared at him then the bell ringed. "Talk to your girlfriend." I said and got my stuff and left.

  I was eating lunch and talking with the group when Sasuke and Sakura came. "Hey guys what are we talking about?" Sakura asked. "Sit somewhere else billboard and take your boyfriend with you." Ino said. "There simply isn't room for two here anymore." Suigetsu said. He put his arm around me surprisingly I didn't mind it. "She's not my girlfriend." Sasuke said. "We aren't dumb we've seen how y'all have been acting recently." Sai said. It's nice my friends were on my side. "Friends can't hang out anymore?" Sasuke asked annoyed. "Friends don't go on dates." I said annoyed. "Your jealous!" Sakura said shocked. "Not in the slightest just confused." I said glaring at her. "It wasn't a date and if it was I can't go on a date but that idiot shark can wrap his arm around you?" Sasuke said annoyed. "Friends can't wrap an arm around each other?" I asked. He just glaring at Suigetsu. "I guess he really doesn't want you Sakura y'all can sit down." Ino said smiling. "They can take my spot I'm leaving." I said and Naruto and Hinata followed me.

   It was the last class and everyone except Ino just ignored Sasuke. I walked with Naruto and then went to work.

                             Sasuke's POV

       It's been a week of walking this annoying pink haired girl home and I still have no damn idea what to get her for secret Santa. To make things worse my friends think I'm dating her and have turned on me and Ino seems to be the only one to have caught on. "Hey Sasuke!" Sakura said excitedly. "Yes Sakura?" I asked. "Can you maybe... give me a nickname?" She asked nervously. "Not a chance in hell." I said. "But why does Karin have one and no one else?" She asked. "Just because." I said. "Are you really inlove with Karin?" She asked like she was scared for the answer.

      "I never said I was and your nickname can be annoying." I said. "Very funny Sasuke but even though me and Karin are battling for who you fall for I don't want to see her upset she is one of my best friends so talk to her and clear things up." Sakura said. "Maybe you aren't so bad but you're still just a friend." I said. "I know but I won't give up until you date officially then I'll support from the side lines." She said. "Interesting." I said then walked to Tomato's job.

  I walked in and Tomato gave me the side eye. "Where's your girlfriend?" She asked. "Where's your boyfriend?" I asked. We just glared at each other but that isn't what I came to do. "We need to talk that much is obvious." I said. "I'm listening." She said wiping the counter. It's just her in here today so she didn't need to take a break so we could talk privately and no one else was here.

       "Me and Sakura aren't dating nor will we ever date. I've been spending time with her so I could figure out what to get her for secret Santa that's all." I said. She came and sat next to me. "Me and Suigetsu aren't dating nor will we ever date. Sorry to pin everyone against you like that." She replied. We both smiled I slowly grab her hand I just wanted to sit here with her and she rested her head on my shoulder I then rested my head on her's and we just sat there blushing. She then had to go back to work and I had to go home.

Itachi was waiting for me. "What happened?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I asked staring at the ground. "You seem happy and you were smiling." He said. "Remember that conversation we had I think you were right." I said. "I want to meet Karin invite her for dinner soon." He said. HUH is he crazy invite her dinner that's like her meeting my family what kind of message would that send. "I can't that's a step I can't take at the moment." I said. "Excuses you slept in the same bed as her you'll be fine." He said. "How the hell do you know that?!" I asked. "Your friends talk to me when they see me especially Naruto." Itachi said. "So when should I invite her?" I asked. "Invite her for Christmas dinner." Itachi said. A HOLIDAY! We'll never hear the end of this when my friends find out.

                            Karin's POV

    Today I'm making Sasuke's gift to give to him tomorrow. So first I paint this medium sized crate and I decide on black, red, and blue.  I then fold and put in a black hoodie, a red hoodie, and a blue hood I stitched his last name on the back of each in white. I then add pens since he always seems to need some and a few coupons to some of the stores he likes. I add two tomato's because why not. I then write him a card then wrap the crate. I go to sleep and I really hope tomorrow goes well.

                             Sasuke's POV

      I finally decided on what to get Sakura and I decided that since I'm gonna ask Karin to come over Christmas dinner I'll get her a present too even Itachi got her one. I guess I should go to sleep.

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  Y'all they're so cute I can't wait for them to finally get together! I know I decide when but I'm just as excited. I hope you enjoyed this one but the next one might be really long  so wait for that.

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