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                               Karin's POV

      First day of senior year and I'm scared. Me and Garra have texted everyday these past 2 weeks he even called me a few times. Also the group chat is way more active now then it was before. Then Temari and Kankuro spam the other group chat. I went downstairs and Izumi was waiting for me. "Are you ready? You're a senior now.", Izumi said. "I'm ready to a point.", I said. "So Sasuke and Sakura?", Izumi asked. "Can both still burn in hell and when I see her I'm fighting her I don't care.", I said and she nodded. "I'm rooting for you I never liked her anyways. But do you still love him?", she asked. "It hate him more than I love him but I have to go now bye Izumi.", I said running out the door.

     I was walking and saw Sasuke and Naruto. "Hey Naruto.", I said. "Hey Karin are you walking with us?", Naruto asked confused. "I'm walking with you not the asshole beside you.", I said. "Tomato it's been 2 weeks and you still won't talk to me and Izumi's still mad at me.", Sasuke said. "You can whine to Sakura about your problems and stop calling me Tomato.", I said. "I haven't spoken to Sakura since the group chat and I've always called you Tomato.", Sasuke said. "I hated it and then I loved it but now I despise you more than anything so I hate it.", I said. "Do you still love me?", Sasuke asked. "Burn in hell asshole.", I said walking in the school.

      I got to my first class and I walked in and saw Garra, Temari, and Kankuro. "Since when?", I asked them sitting down next to Garra. "Well we moved here in may. But only started here this school year. We had no idea you went to this school though.", Temari said. "I'm glad.", I said smiling. "So have you seen him today?", Garra asked. "Unfortunately we live near each other so I'll see him when I walk to school and when I walk home.", I said. "Hey you guys have this class to.", Naruto said walking in with Ino. "Yall go here?", Ino asked. "It's our first day.", Temari said. "Thats great sit with us at lunch today.", Naruto said. "I'm sure Garra's happy.", Ino said poking me. "I'm sure Karin's happy too.", Temari said laughing. "Class is starting.", I said blushing.

    I went to my next class and Temari had the same class so she walked with me. Unfortunately Sasuke and Sakura were in there. "I stand by what I said when I first texted you.", Temari said walking over to Sasuke and slapping him. "How dare you hit Sasuke.", Sakura said. "Lucky I don't slap you too.", Temari said. "Yeah that's my job.", I said going over to her and punching her in the face. "Stop all of you!", Mrs. Kurenai yelled. She swung on me but I dodged her and kicked her in the knee making her fall then I got top of her and starting punching her when Sasuke pulled me off so I slapped him. "Don't touch me.", I said. "Go to office all of you!", Mrs. Kurenai yelled. "Whatever.", I said walking off with Temari. Sasuke and Sakura followed behind us.

"We're all gonna get suspended because of you.", Sakura said. "Okay your point I told myself when I see you I'm gonna see what your hands do and clearly they still don't do shit shut the fuck up.", I said. "So exactly why'd you slap me you barely know me?", Sasuke asked. "Because you hurt Karin someone me and siblings have come to care about.", Temari said and I smiled. "So you did it for Garra.", Sasuke said. "No I did it for myself I'm sure if Garra wanted to fight you he'd do it.", Temari said shrugging. "Well then he can come see me I'll happily fight him.", Sasuke said. "And you'd lose he'd probably win with no difficulty and I'd love to watch that so do it in a class I have with yall okay.", I said smiling. "So now you talk to me Tomato.", Sasuke said. "I talk to you when I feel like it but I still don't care about what you want to talk about.", I said walking into the office. "Yall can have a seat.", Ms. Anko said and we sat there for like 10 minutes. "Y'all can come in the office.", Principal Tsunade said and we walked in.

"So what happened?", She asked. "In order?", I asked. "Yes.", She said. "I walked in the classroom and saw Sasuke so I slapped him.", Temari said. "Sakura then said, "How dare you hit Sasuke." Then Temari said, "Your lucky I don't slap you." So then I said, "Thats my job." So I punched her in the face. Then the teacher said to stop. Then she swung on me and I kicked her in the knee she fell I started punching her Sasuke pull me off and I slapped him. Then she told us to come to you so here we are.", I said and she nodded. "So whats the reason behind this?", Tsunade asked. "Her and Sasuke kissed.", I said. "So you were jealous and lashed out.", Tsunade said. "Don't even put it like that cause you don't even understand.", I said. "Okay you can explain it too me in detention today then you can go home suspended for 4 days and think about why it was so important. Also Temari you can join us in detention and tell me why you felt the need to get involved then you can go home suspended for 2 days and think about if it was worth it. Sasuke you can join me in detention tomorrow and Sakura you can enjoy being home suspended for 1 day.", Tsunade said. "But why?", Sakura asked. "Because your teacher told you to stop yet you swung on Karin continuing the fight.", Tsunade said and we nodded and left.

Tomato (SasuKarin)Where stories live. Discover now