Christmas Eve/Christmas

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Karin's POV

Today's secret Santa and I'm not mentally prepared for this. I hope he likes my gift. We all decided to just wear pajamas. I got ready grabbed my gift and went to Hinata's house.

When I got there Naruto and Sakura we're already there I went to put my gift under the tree. "Hey Karin." Hinata said. "Hey Hinata." I said. We were all just talking about life when Sasuke walked in and put his gift down. "Hey Tomato I need to asked you something." Sasuke said. "Okay." I said and we walked over to where no one could hear us.

"I want you to come over for dinner tomorrow and if you have other plans drop them." He said staring at me. "Great I'll be there." I said smiling. "Know your staying the whole day so you'll be coming home with me today." He said avoiding eye contact. "I... okay." I said blushing.

Everyone came so we baked and had hot tea. We just laughed and talked and watched a few movies. Then it was time to exchange gifts Sasuke went first. " I got Sakura." He said then went to give her his gift. He gave her a notebook, hoodie, and head band all in pink. "Thank you Sasuke." She said smiling. He just sat down.

"Well I got Jugo." Sakura said smiling. I mean I feel like they could date they both have anger issue. She got up and handed him this orange purple gift. "Jugo we walk home together basically every day and I see you shiver but you always just brush it off so I'll just force you to be warm." She said smiling and lightly blushing. Inside was a a purple hat, a orange and purple scarf, and an orange and purple coat. "If your inlove with Jugo just say that." Ino said smiling. "I understand your pain now Karin." Sakura said. "Thank you I really appreciate it Sakura." He said smiling at her and then he put the hat on and Sakura's blush was more noticeable now but it was rare seeing Jugo smile.

"I got Hinata." Jugo said and went to get her gift from under the tree. He got her yarn and needles because she likes knitting. "Thank you Jugo. See Karin I got you." She said smirking. I was excited and scared she went and got me this box. "Here you go open it." She said. Inside was a beautiful red kimono that I told her I wanted a few weeks back. "Thank you so much Hinata I love it but it was kinda expensive are you sure?" I asked. "It was on sale don't worry but I would have gotten it for you either way you're my best friend." She said I got up and hugged her. "Your my best friend too and unfortunately I got Sasuke." I said. "That is so cute it's fate at this point." Ino said.

I went and got his gift and handed it too him. I was staring to see his facial expression he blushed when he saw the tomatoes and smiled when he saw the hoodie with his last name on that back and he picked up the card. "Sasuke dont be shy read the card out loud." Naruto said. "I'll read it later with just her." Sasuke said. "You wrote him a love letter! Karin if your inlove with Sasuke just say that those gifts and his reaction if way too cute." Ino said. "I really like it and I'll put one on right now." He said ignoring Ino and choose the blue one. He then hugged me and I hugged him back I think we were taking too long because our friends started coughing. "Can everyone else get their gifts." Naruto said laughing. We sat down.

It was Naruto's turn. "I got Sai." He said and handed him his gift. He gave Sai a black bag full of art supplies. "Thank you Naruto. I got got Suigetsu." Sai said. I wonder what he got him considering the two barely speak. He handed him a book about sharks and another about the ocean and a gallon sized water bottle.

"This gift is surprisingly perfect thank you Sai. It's funny you got me and I got your girlfriend though." He said laughing he handed Ino this really pretty box. He got her a mirror and some fancy hair ties. "I didn't know what to get you considering you have everything." He said. "Thank you I just ran out of hair ties and I wanted a new mirror and I got Naruto." Ino said.

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