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                            Sasuke's POV

      "I completely ruined my life. It's Thanksgiving break and Tomato barely talks to me. To make things worse it's rumored Garra and her are dating now. Him and his siblings even work with her. But I messed things up I took my pain and anger out on her and pushed her away. I let Sakura kiss me and lost her trust. I've been paying for my mistakes and I know I deserve it but seeing her happy with someone else is honestly one the worse pains I've ever experienced.", I said. "Sasuke if your in love with her tell her.", Naruto said. "What no she hates me. She's the second most important person in my life but I'm not in love with her my feelings just run deeply.", I said and he rolled his eyes. "Sasuke I used to be like you except the kissing Sakura part. It's clear you love her why not admit it to yourself?", he asked. "Cause I don't.", I said annoyed. "Your hopeless. Why not tell me how you feel about her that should help you.", Naruto said.

"She became my happiness after a while. I only sleep peacefully with her next to me. Seeing her with Garra makes my blood boil. She's the only one I want, I've only ever wanted to be with her and I still want to be with her. I don't care about losing the friend group. I just want to be able to hangout with her. I want her to come over and feel like this is her second home. I want to kiss her and just hold her. I want to be around her and just talk to her. I want her to be happy but idk if I can deal with her being happy without me.", I confessed. "And I'm supposed to be the idiot in this friendship.", Naruto said rolling his eyes. "Shut up loser remember how long it took you to realize Hinata loves you and that you're in love with her.", I said. "Whatever I know I made her wait long but I'm gonna marry her no matter what. Don't tell her I said that though.", Naruto said. "As long as you don't tell Tomato what I said.", I said and he nodded. "Are you scared to be in love with her?", Naruto asked. "No.", I said.

I got home from Naruto's and Tomato was in the kitchen. "Tomato?", I asked surprised. "Oh it's you.", she turning around. "Why are you here?", I asked. "Cause everyone but you have something to do tomorrow and they wanted us to have dinner together for Thanksgiving so we're having it today.", she said not looking at me. "Why can't you come tomorrow?", I asked. "Garra's Mom invited me to spend Thanksgiving with them and I said yes.", She said. "Tomato don't tell me your really dating Garra.", I said. "I'm not, not that it matters to you.", She said and I walked over to her. "Remember the the last time we were in here?", I asked her. "Yeah sad times.", she said rolling her eyes. "I still mean what I said.", I said. "I don't care you completely ruined whatever we were. I'm only here cause Izumi wanted all us to spend time together.", she said turning to face me. "But how do you fall out of love so quick?", I asked her. "I didn't it was just replaced with hate.", she said. "So where are Itachi and Izumi?", I asked. "They went to get something. But you can go in your room and stop bothering me.", she said. "I just want to be around you. I want you to forgive me.", I said. "I'm not gonna forgive you for being a complete asshole, apologizing, then kissing the girl you told me not to worry about.", she said. "So were gonna act like you and Garra weren't all friendly during the beach trip? Especially the volleyball thing y'all did?", I asked. "Okay but did I kiss him?", she asked. "No and I didn't kiss Sakura she kissed me.", I said. "And you allow it.", she said.

"Were back, is Sasuke home?", Izumi asked when she walked in. "Sadly.", Tomato said. I was in my room and I was thinking about Naruto's question. Am I scared to be in love with her. I'd be happy but if we ended I'd probably sink into a deep depression like Naruto did when Hinata rejected him that one time. "Dinner's ready.", Tomato said opening my door. "Not really hungry.", I said rolling over to face away from her. "Oh well I helped cooked so your eating come on.", she said grabbing my arm and yanking me off the bed. "Damn.", I said as she dragged me down the hallway. I sat down she was right in front me. "I know this is awkward but y'all need to fix the tension cause me and Itachi aren't breaking up so get used to having dinner together.", Izumi said. "But when I get a boyfriend he won't like that.", Tomato said. "Okay well do you have a boyfriend?", Izumi asked. "Not yet.", Tomato said and we all looked at her. "Yet?", Izumi asked smirking. "I was joking calm down.", Tomato said. "So your not still in love with Sasuke?", Itachi asked. "Hate over powers the love.", she said glaring at me. "But the love's still there that's not fair to Garra.", I said smiling. "You must be confused. I can love you but not be in love with you there's a difference.", she said rolling her eyes. "But I don't want you to be in love with anyone else.", I said and Izumi smiled.

Tomato (SasuKarin)Where stories live. Discover now