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Karin's POV

Me and Sasuke haven't spoken since he left that day and that was 3 weeks ago. It really messed up the friend group Hinata, Suigetsu, and Sai, sided with me and Sakura sided with Sasuke but Ino, Jugo, and Naruto decided to be neutral. It's just been really awkward recently and we all still sit eat lunch together except Naruto he's been sitting with his other friends but it's fine I'm fine. It ended like that for a reason but Itachi and Izumi still treat me like family. I've officially moved in with Izumi and it's the happiest I've ever been. "Karin don't give up on you and Sasuke it's doesn't always work the first time around." Izumi said. "I gave up on us so he has every right to be mad at me." I said shrugging. "I know you liked him you were so excited when you first started dating and stop saying you gave up on y'all it was literally a week." Izumi said. "Things change and you're right." I said. "If your feelings for Sasuke have change then it was doomed from the beginning." Izumi said.

"It's hard for me okay seeing him everyday and being right next to him but not being able to say anything. I hurt him and now I'm hurting. My feelings for Sasuke never left in fact they've grown stronger. Seeing how close him and Sakura have gotten makes me sick and I can't stand it. Walking pass his house which felt like home to me and not being able to go in I hate it. I've caused a rift in our friend group I feel like shit. I know it's my fault so I have no right to be upset but I am." I said and she hugged me. "Make things right then." She said. "I can't." I said. "But know if Sakura was really your friend she wouldn't have picked sides." She said and I nodded.

I was running late for school today so I was running down the street when I ran into someone and fell on top of them. "Hey would you mind getting up and start watching where you're going." Someone said. "Look I know I bumped but into you but I didn't do it on purpose and if you were paying attention you could have been able to move out the way." I said rolling my eyes. I look down to see a boy with red hair and I start blushing. "Fair point but can you get off me now?" He asked. "Okay sorry." I said helping him up. "Your cute but you should get going now." He said and I blushed and ran off. Damn I didn't even get his name and why was I blushing like an idiot.

I was still running when I once again bumped into someone so I felled back and close my eyes. "Just leave me here to die walk off please." I said not wanting to see who it is this time.

Sasuke's POV

"Tomato get up." I said annoyed and she opened her eyes fast. "Sasuke sorry about that I gotta go now bye." She said running off. Shit I should have said something to her. That's the first time we've spoken since that day. It's been awkward and the friend groups all weird now and it's almost summer tomorrow the last day of school actually. Then Tomato came running back. "Wait if I'm late that means your late so why aren't you running?" She asked confused. I couldn't exactly tell her I was waiting up for her. "I haven't checked the time so I didn't know." I said looking off. "Lair." She said plainly like it was obvious. "Whatever shouldn't we be running or something?" I asked and she nodded and took off and I was right behind her.

"Um bye now." She said walking off before I could say anything. It's sad she hurt me but I'm the one trying to fix us. "Sasuke why'd you walk in with Karin?" Sakura asked. "She bumped into me and we ran here that's all." I said. "Okay see you at lunch." She said and I could tell she didn't believe me. Sakura's been there for me since then but I still only see her as a friend no matter how hard I try Tomato's still the only one I think about.

So I head to class. "Karin and I hung out Saturday just the two of us." Suigetsu said and I was shocked. "Good for y'all." I said. "I'm gonna ask her out and I thought I'd ask first since y'all just broke up and everything." He said smiling and I wanted to kill him but I just nodded I know she'll say no. "Go ahead." I said.

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