Your too close

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Sasuke's POV

My first class is so boring and being stuck with Suigetsu isn't fun. I'm ready for next core Tomato and I have become acquaintances so it's not completely boring. Finally class is over and I get to my next class and see she's not there thats weird she's usually here first. I sit and wait but she never came.

Then class ended I went to lunch and saw Sakura and Hinata enter the cafeteria but she wasn't with them. They sat down and I asked, " Where's Tomato?" They looked at me surprised like it weird for me to ask or something. " She's sick." Hinata said. Thats doesn't make sense she comes to school no matter what. " How sick." I said. " She couldn't stand up without getting dizzy and she was as cold as ice and kept sneezing so she can't go to school for 3 days." Hinata said. " Why do you care I thought you hated her?" Sakura said. " I wouldn't say I care I'm just curious." I said. " If your worried we're going to her house after school you should come." Hinata said. Sakura gave her the side eye. " Why don't we all go she's become a good friend to all of us." Naruto said. " Except me." I said so no one got any ideas. " Except Sasuke." Naruto said. I nodded. "Make sure to bring her something." Hinata said. Then lunch ended I walked to class thinking about what I could possibly get her.

It was the end of the school day when it came to me so I went to nearest shop that sold it. I was the last one there which annoyed me. She was in bed and she looked so pitiful it was disgusting.

Karin's POV

I look up to see Sasuke walk in. Who the hell invited him. It's more surprising he came of his own free will. " Hey Tomato you look terrible nothing new though." Sasuke said. " Same can be said for you." I said giving him the side eye. " Yall can do this later. We waited for you to get here to hand out gifts. Sasuke what took you so long?" Sakura asked. "The man said since they were packed I'd have to wait." Sasuke said. " Aww so you waited for her gift thats so cute." Ino said. " Your thinking to much into it but can we do this so it doesn't get cold." Sasuke said. He got me food and was willing to wait for it. I did a small smile because maybe he isn't a complete asshole.

Hinata got me a heating pad, Sakura got me a scarf and gloves that match hers, Naruto gave me 4 cups of instant ramen, Sai gave me a sketch book, Jugo gave me a blanket, Suigetsu gave me a red water bottle, Ino gave me a heater, and Sasuke gave me my favorite food okonomiyaki. His gift was my favorite but of course I would never say that.

I cant believe he remembered it's been a few months since I told him that and it was never brought up again." You remembered my favorite food?" I asked Sasuke. " If you don't want it just say that I'll eat it and I only just remembered it today." He said. " Yall would really be so cute together but when did you tell him it was your favorite food?" Ino asked. "First no we wouldn't and second I told him on the first day of school." I replied ignoring Sasuke. " Wow Sasuke I'd say your inlove." Hinata said. We both just glared at her. "Thank you Sasuke." I said looking away. " Dont mention it ever Tomato." Sasuke said. " And thank you guys I really appreciate it." I said getting teary eyed. They all hugged me except Sasuke. " Your apart of the group now we'd do anything for you and that includes Sasuke." Jugo said. Sasuke just rolled his eyes.

" So guys we should plan we have holidays coming up what are we doing this year." Sakura said. I never celebrated the holidays with anyone so I was excited to see what'd we do. " For Thanksgiving I was thinking we'd meet up at my place for a pot luck and of course we'd each bring our own dish." Naruto said. " I was thinking for Christmas we'd do a secret Santa between the friend group and to decide we'd draw names out a hat." Hinata said. " For New Years we could do a party then watch the fireworks but a date will be needed." Ino said. And we all agreed. But I pulled Ino aside. Cause everyone else seemed fine with the date part but I had no one.

" I was fine with all the ideas until you said a date." I said. " Go with Sasuke." Ino said. Like I would purposely go somewhere with him. "No." I replied.

" We should leave and let her rest." Hinata said. " Yeah it's getting dark we should leave." Sakura said. " Naruto will you walk me home?" Hinata asked. " Of course" Naruto said then they left. Suigetsu left after them. Ino and Sai left together. Sakura asked Sasuke to walk her but he said he had to use the bathroom and that Jugo could walk her since they live in the same neighborhood.

He came out the bathroom and sat on the floor near the bed. " What do you want shouldn't you be gone?" I asked Sasuke. " I have your work from class." He said handing me papers and he handed me his notebook. "So you can copy my notes." He said avoiding eye contact. " Thank you Sasuke." I said. He smirked, " I cant have you slacking Tomato now can I ." He wasn't completely annoying me so I decided to be nice.

" Do you want to stay for dinner?" I asked. "Sure." Sasuke said. " We can share the okonomiyaki." I said reaching for the bag. He got up and grabbed my hand " No I got that for you. What else do you have." He said. I look over at him and he's so close I slightly blush and snatch my hand away and push him away and he fell back on the floor. " Ow what was that for Tomato." Sasuke said annoyed. " You were too close it was uncomfortable." I said rolling my eye's. " You can have one of my cups of ramen" I said about to stand up. " Sit down I'll make them." Sasuke said.

He came back and I told him to just sit on the bed but put a towel down. We ate and talked about whatever came up and it was relaxing just sitting there talking with him. Next thing I knew I was fast asleep.

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I'm obsessed with this story I cant wait but till next time. ~Kris

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