Spin the bottle

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Karin's POV

So yesterday I decided I'd bring dango for my dish for our Thanksgiving Pot Luck. So I guess I'll tell everyone to make sure no one else brings it.

Me: Hey guys I'm bring dango

Ino🐽: Great! I'm bring fish

Sai🖌: I'm bringing Tomato's cause I know how much Sasuke likes them

Sasuke😐🖤: Shut the fuck up Sai
Me: Shut the fuck up Sai

Suigetsu🦈: I'm bringing okonomiyaki


Suigetsu🦈: Yessir

Jugo✨: If your in love with Karin just say that

Me: We're just friends

Suigetsu🦈: Yeah...

Sasuke😐🖤: I'm bring rice balls

Naruto🍥: I'm bring red bean soup

Jugo✨: I'm bring Taiyaki

Sakura🌸: I'm bring Japanese Custard Cornet

Naruto🍥: Hinata what are you bringing?

Hinata🥺: Gyoza

Ino🐽: Ouuu I cant wait!

Sasuke😐🖤: Exactly who's house are we going too again

Me: Naruto's right?

Naruto🍥: Yeah

Ino🐽: Are we cooking there too?

Jugo✨: Only if it needs to be hot

I cant wait for tomorrow all the food and just hanging out with my friends excluding Sasuke. But why am I lowkey excited to see an acquaintance. Oh well I guess I'll just go to sleep.

Sasuke's POV

Tonight's the Pot Luck and I'm kinda excited haven't seen my annoying ass friends excluding Tomato since Tuesday. I look at my phone and unfortunately they're talking in the group chat again.

Naruto😃🔪: So um what time are y'all supposed to come over again

Tomato🍅🖤: Naruto it's literally your house pick a time

Naruto😃🔪: Oh then come now

Ino: Bet

Sakura: Why so early

Suigetsu: Why not we're not doing anything else

Hinata🙂: I'm on my way now Naruto

Ino: Huh how

Hinata🙂: I was gonna come by early

Me : Of course you were

Naruto: Dont even cause didn't you say you were gonna walk with Karin

Me: I never said that but if she catches up to me I have no choice

Tomato🍅🖤: I'll just take a long time then

Sakura: Karin you can walk with me

Me: Just shut up and get ready

I went to take a shower and brush my teeth. I had no idea what to wear it was more surprising that I cared. I decided on my favorite hoodie and some sweats cause why not. I had already told Naruto I'd make the rice balls when I get there. I brush my hair then leave.

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