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Sasuke's POV

"So how do you feel about Karin going on a date with Gaara tomorrow?", Naruto asked. "Shut up. I don't wanna think or talk about it.", I said. "Do you plan on waiting for her to come back to you? Cause that's definitely not gonna happen.", Naruto said. "I don't know what to do and life shouldn't be this hard without her. When did you realize you loved Hinata?", I asked. "Well I realized when we were talking on a balcony and the wind was blowing and I could see the side of her face and she was so beautiful.", Naruto said smiling. "So for looks?", I asked confused. "No I feel in love with her strength, guts, beauty, & her presence. She was always there for me when I needed someone. I knew I needed her all to myself. Cause seeing her go on that date with Toneri was one of the worst pains I ever felt.", Naruto said. "Yeah you were devastated couldn't get you out of bed for a few days and then Sakura came and talked sense into you.", I said. "You'll end up like me if you don't stop her.", Naruto said. "Why is love so complicated.", I muttered. "So you admit you love her.", Naruto said smiling.

"I never said that.", I said. "If you can't even admit your feelings for her how is she supposed to know your serious?", Naruto asked. "Actions speak louder than words so I'll prove it too her.", I said and Naruto rolled his eyes. "It's still nice to hear it sometimes ya know.", Naruto said. "I can't...", I said. "So you don't love her?", Naruto asked. "It's not that it's just whatever I'm leaving.", I said grabbing my stuff and walking out the door. As I'm walking I see Tomato walking towards me. "Hey Tomato.", I said. "Hi Sasuke.", She said walking past me. "Huh? Where are you going?", I asked her. "To Naruto's, bye.", She said. "Tomato wait...", I said and she stopped. "What?", she asked turning around. "Are you really... going on a date... with Gaara tomorrow?", I asked. "Sasuke I thought we agreed to just be friends.", She said. "Yeah we did but...", I began before she cut me off. "Don't finish that sentence.", She said seriously.

     "Sorry.", I said. "You need to move on.", Tomato said. "I already did it was just a question.", I lied. "That's nice... really. Don't ruin things with her this time okay.", She said turning around and walking away. I don't know why I would lie about moving on pushing an even bigger gap between us. I think I'll talk to Itachi about it he's knows what I'm going through. I got home and Izumi was there too. "Itachi can I talk to you?", I asked him. "Yeah go ahead.", Itachi said. "If it's about Karin wouldn't it be best to talk to me. I know her better than both of you and I won't tell her what you say.", Izumi said and I nodded. "Come on sit down.", Itachi said so I did. "Um...", I began before stopping. "You don't know how to feel about Karin going on a date with Gaara tomorrow?", Izumi said rolling her eyes. "Yeah.", I admitted. "Then stop it.", Itachi said. "Huh?", I asked. "Confession your love.", Izumi said. "And tell her not to go on the date.", Itachi said. "Confess... my love?", I asked. "If you don't love her why can't she go on a date with Gaara. Are you also a selfish asshole?", Izumi asked glaring at me. "It's not that.", I said.

    "Then what is it?", Itachi asked confused. "We can't help you if you don't talk to us. Do you love her or not?", Izumi asked. "I don't know.", I said and Izumi looked annoyed. "Your a real idiot for someone who wants to be valedictorian. You don't want to see her happy with someone else but you're not willing to make her happy. She loved you Sasuke and you pushed her away. Don't hurt her anymore just leave her alone. Let her have happiness with someone who knows their feelings about her.", Izumi said. "This is why I wanted to talk to Itachi.", I said. "Because you can't handle the truth and you like to runaway from anything that can make you happy because your parents died well guess what her parents are dead too and so are Itachi's and Naruto's. I know your a different person and you'll handle things differently but don't ruin her chances of happiness because you went and ruined yours. You'll realize your feelings when it's too late and then maybe you'll learn. You can't keep using your parents as an excuse.", Izumi said. "Whatever.", I said leaving. I went to my room and just went to sleep.

Tomato (SasuKarin)Where stories live. Discover now