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Sasuke's POV

I got home and immediately thought I was was dumb for just walking past her. I decided to go to Naruto's house. When I got to Naruto house he had this dumb smile on his face. "Something you need to say Sasuke.", Naruto said and I glared at him. "Just let me in.", I said pushing past him and then sitting down on his bed. "Well what do you want?", Naruto asked. "I love Tomato.", I whispered. "Huh?", Naruto asked. "You heard me.", I said glaring at him. "You'll have to say it louder.", Naruto said. "I love Tomato.", I said. "Didn't she say to not call her that?", Naruto asked. "Do I look like I give a fuck. I didn't confess my love to her so why would I call her by her name idiot.", I said and Naruto glared at me. "Why are telling me and not her?", Naruto asked. "We saw each other on the street and I walked right past her.", I said and he laughed. "Why would you walk past her?", Naruto asked. "I decided that beating her at her goal was more important.", I said. "But I'm the idiot?", Naruto asked sarcastically and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry you still are. She also walked past me and I heard she broke up with Gaara after he kissed her.", I said laughing. "Didn't you get suspended for fighting him and barely winning?", Naruto asked sarcastically. "He swung on me and I didn't lose that's all that matters.", I said. "You won't see or be close to Karin for a while that's a good amount of time for her to fall out of love with you.", Naruto said. "She'll be at the Christmas and New Years Party.", I said. "Well your not invited because you were kicked out the friend group and Karin's spending winter break with Izumi's family.", Naruto said. "Okay Itachi's Izumi's boyfriend it'll be fine.", I said. "You didn't know so obviously your not going.", Naruto said. "Whatever I'm leaving.", I said.

        When I got home I went in the kitchen and Itachi walked in. "Suspended for fighting Gaara? Can't say I'm surprised.", I said. "Karin broke up with him and then at lunch Gaara came up to me and punched me in the face.", I said. "Oh she broke up with Gaara.", Itachi said. "I love her.", I blurted out and Itachi smiled. "I know. I'm sure she still loves you. Though you won't see her till next year so you have time to think about if you really wanted that "closure"." , Itachi said. "I did at first until I saw Gaara kiss her.", I said and he laughed. "Don't let her go this time.", Itachi said leaving and I smiled.

                              Karin's POV

         When I got home I didn't regret my decision on just walking right passed him because he also just walked right past me. I need to talk to Hinata though so I went to her house. "I was expecting you.", Hinata said opening the door. "Great let's go in your room.", I said. "How'd your date go?", Neji asked coming around the corner. "She's in love with Sasuke still.", Hinata said and I glared at her. "Interesting.", Neji said. "Like your relationship with Tenten.", Hinata said and I laughed. "I'm leaving now.", He said walking off. When we got in her room I sat on her rug again. "Okay what is it.", Hinata said. "I walled past him when I was walking home.", I said. "Okay and?", Hinata asked confused. "We made eye contact and walked right passed each other Hinata. I feel like we'll never be together.", I said. "If it's meant to be you'll get together. Also you made the decision to walk past him.", Hinata said.

"I have a goal that I won't let him get in the way of.", I said. "So then stop complaining and worrying about the what if's focus on your goal and then Sasuke.", Hinata said. "Okay I won't see him till we go back to school anyways.", I said. "Remember the New Years Eve party last year?", Hinata asked. "So you just want to make things harder for me.", I said. "You came to the party mad at Sasuke and ended up kissing him.", Hinata said smiling. "I just realized I completely lied to him in my closure speech.", I said. "I thought you spoke from my heart.", Hinata said. "No cause if I did I probably would've confessed my love and how even though he broke my heart I'd still choose him over everyone except maybe Izumi.", I said. "I'd choose Naruto over everybody too don't worry.", Hinata said and I smiled. "We should ask them if they'd choose us over anybody.", I said. "Naruto might actually say Sasuke so I'm not doing that.", Hinata said. "Then I'll ask for you.", I said.

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