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                             Karin's POV

          I woke up and went downstairs. "Today's your date with Gaara, how do you feel?", Izumi asked. "I feel happy. A new chapter in my life has began.", I said. "So Karin, are you on birth control?", Izumi asked. "No, why?", I asked. "Your at an age where sex is bound to happen you don't want to wonder if your carrying Sasuke's or Gaara baby in the future.", Izumi said. "Why would I have to worry about carrying Sasuke's baby we're done.", I said. "It's best you get ready.", Izumi said and it was an hour before Gaara would get here so I rushed up stairs. I took a shower and put on a dress and some flats and brushed my hair. I went downstairs and Gaara was sitting there. "You look great.", He said and I smiled. He held out his hand and I took it. "Bye Izumi.", I said opening the door and leaving.

"Karin I'm glad you decided to give me a chance.", Garra said. "Of course we ran into each two times and then the third we time we got to know each other and connect. You make me happy and I can't honestly say I've never thought of being just friends with you.", I said. "Even while you were with Sasuke?", He asked. "No. I loved Sasuke.", I said. "Hopefully we'll learn to love each other.", He said and I smiled. We got to the place we were eating lunch at and it was great. We talking, laughed, smiled, and blushed I was happy. "Thank you Gaara.", I said. "Anytime. I guess I'll take you home now.", He said grabbing my hand.

"How'd it go?", Izumi asked. "It was great.", I said. "Did he ask you to he his girlfriend?", Izumi asked. "No.", I said. "Are you ready to be his girlfriend.", She asked and I couldn't answer. "I don't know this is all happening so fast.", I said leaving to go into my room. I decided to text Ino.

Me: Ino I just got home from my date

Ino🐽: How'd it go?

Me: It was great.

Ino🐽: You don't sound enthused

Me: What do you mean?

Ino🐽: It's not how you thought it would be. You don't feel how you thought you feel. But I'm just guessing.

Me: I really Gaara , so what's with that answer

Ino🐽: Your lying to yourself, Sasuke, and Gaara. But that's all I'll say you figure it out in time. Your lucky a certain someone would never actually let you go.

Me: Whatever I'm done talking to you about this.

      I then threw my phone onto a pillow and fell asleep.

Sasuke's POV

I woke up Sunday and I honestly couldn't help but wonder how her date with Gaara went. Maybe they were officially dating the thought made me feel uneasy. But we had closure so what I felt would never matter.

Me: How was your date?

Her🥲❤️‍🔥: It was great

Me: Cool. Bye now.

Her🥲❤️‍🔥: Bye Sasuke

       I threw my phone onto a pillow and went to sleep.

                              Karin's POV

           I woke up for school and I wasn't excited at all. I actually didn't want to go. I went downstairs and Izumi hugged me. "Karin you seem out of it. What's wrong?", Izumi asked letting go. "Maybe Ino was right on Saturday.", I said and Izumi looked confused. "Right about what?", She asked. "I have to go.", I said walking out the door. As I was walking I caught up to Sasuke. "Oh hey.", Sasuke said. "Hi.", I said. We walked the rest of the way in silence.  Sasuke went to talk to someone and I saw Gaara walking towards me and I smiled. He didn't slow down and kept walking then he kissed me. I immediately thought about how Sasuke was close behind us. He pulled back and smiled at me but my face dropped.

                            Sasuke's POV

       I saw Gaara walk up to Karin and he kissed her. The pain my heart immediately felt made everything I've tried to hide and deny painfully clear. I couldn't watch so I went to class.

                          Karin's POV

        "Karin, will you be my girlfriend?", Gaara asked. "I can't.", I said and he looked hurt. "You still love Sasuke.", He said with a weak smile. "I'm really sorry Gaara.", I said. "So why lead me on? To make him jealous. Saying you went to him for closure. Why Karin?", Gaara asked. "I really do like you but-", I said. "It's fine I'll see you in class.", He said walking off and I felt bad. I turned around but Sasuke wasn't there I guess he went to class. So I went to class when I got in there everyone was looking at me. "How dare you Karin.", Temari said. "You finally realized.", Ino said excitedly. "So what are you and Sasuke now?", Naruto asked. "Sasuke and Karin were always gonna be together.", Some girl in our class said. "She'd never choose Gaara over Sasuke.", Another girl said. "Can y'all shut up your not making it any better.", I said sitting down. "You'll explain everything at lunch later.", Temari said and I nodded.

            When we got to our second class I saw Sasuke and he was standing by the window. I wanted to talk to him but I didn't know what to say so I sat down. When we got to lunch everyone asked me questions again. "Your still in love with Sasuke?", Suigetsu asked. "What made you realize?", Ino asked. "Why'd you string my brother along?", Temari asked. "Why'd you meet their parents just to still be in love with your ex who kissed the girl he told you not to worry about?", Sai asked and Ino slapped him on the back of the head. "Yes Suigetsu. I realized when Gaara kissed me this morning. I didn't mean to or know I was. I genuinely liked Gaara and wanted to be with him. Sai shut up it's complicated.", I said. "Gaara how do you feel about the whole thing?", Hinata asked. "I always knew but I decided to atleast try. I know you liked me but your heart always did and always will belong to Sasuke.", Gaara said and I nodded. "So are you gonna tell Sasuke?", Ino asked. "Why should she have to confess twice when she already did it once?", Hinata asked. "I sense hostility.", Ino said looking at Hinata and then she did a fake smile towards Naruto.

       "Hinata you gave him depression so it's even.", Sai said and everyone laughed. "Temari and Kankuro I'm sorry.", I said. "We forgive you as long as Gaara does.", Temari said. "I'm not mad I was expecting this out come. There's just one thing I have to do forgive me Karin.", He said getting up and walking over to Sasuke's table. Sasuke stood up and Gaara punched him so they started fighting. "Remember when Sasuke said he'd fight Gaara well now he finally gets too.", I said and Temari laughed. "So who's gonna stop them?", Naruto asked. "Karin will they are fighting over her after all.", Ino said and I got up. The fight was pretty even, though Sasuke seemed to be getting more hits in, though Gaara's seemed more powerful. "Can y'all stop fighting?", I yelled at them and Sasuke stopped but Gaara pushed him and he fell, so Sasuke tripped Gaara now they were both on the ground. "He swung first.", Sasuke said. "I know.", I said grabbing his hand and helping him up and Temari came over to help Gaara. Then we all went to the nurse.

      I helped Sasuke clean up and Temari helped Gaara clean up then we went to the office. They got suspended and since Christmas break was 5 days away they said they see you next year and we left. They went home and me and Temari went to class. The rest of the day was regular and then the day ended.

                            Narrative POV

     Sasuke went to store as Karin was walking home. Sasuke hoped he'd see Karin and Karin hoped she see Sasuke. As their walking they look up and their eyes meet and they both blushed not knowing what to do. Then it hits them Valedictorian their shared goal. Karin decides her goals come before her feelings for Sasuke just as Sasuke decides him beating Karin needs to be his focus. So they look away and walk right past each other.

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       It's shorter than usual. I'm sorry about that but the next chapter will be longer. I just had to end it right here for suspense. I hope you enjoyed and have a nice day.

Tomato (SasuKarin)Where stories live. Discover now