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- 2170 words (woah)

"wanna watch a movie?"

       you swallowed dryly and nodded, still in shock from whatever just fucking happened. he smirked and pointed with his chin which way to go, which was just down to his bedroom. chief followed close behind, tail wagging happily.

you were in front of schlatt, and every time you would hesitate he would put a hand on your lower back to guide you to his room. you appreciated it, no matter how hard it made your heart pound.

once you made it to his door, he planted his hands on your hips and didn't bother moving them, instead, he gently pushed you inside. it wasn't forceful, and you easily could've stopped him, but you didn't. he was much more touchy than you thought, not that you were complaining.

unfortunately, he pulled his hands away once you entered, instead focusing on chief before hopping onto the bed and patting the spot beside him.

"got anything in mind?"

you froze. what?

"i mean, to watch," he chuckled, putting one hand behind his head comfortably. you mentally facepalmed. of course he meant what you wanted to watch. what else would he mean?

"um, just a random show for background noise? i kinda wanna talk to you."

"mmm, okay," he put on 'the office' and let it play in the back while you crawled next to him. you couldn't help but lean a little into his body heat.

you weren't touching him, but you were lingering close. so close that you barely noticed when he shuffled close enough that your shoulder was pressed against his chest.

he was a lot fitter than he seemed on camera. his chest was solid, and his biceps didn't go unnoticed by you, even though they were covered in a 'schlatt and co' sweater.

of course he wears his own merch.

you laughed a little at that thought, making schlatt eye you from your left side.

"what's funny? the bird flew into a window and fuckin' died."

"christ, no, it's just- it's so you to wear your own merch."

he looked down and chuckled, and you relished the sound. he was so adorable. you subconsciously moved closer when you heard his laugh, wanting to savour it.

you almost jumped when he put one arm around you, finally pulling you flush against him. your ears burned but you tried your best to relax, knowing that he could probably feel it if you were tense.

his hand dropped from your shoulders down to you waist, where it settled comfortably. his chin was now on the top of your head, and you tucked in your legs so you could reach more of his warmth.

you were so comfortable, so warm. your eyes closed against your will just as schlatt started talking about the office. his soothing voice only cradled you further to sleep, and you found yourself dreaming two seconds later.

you were startled awake when you felt something brush your arm, and when you opened your eyes you saw that it was just chief sleeping soundly beside you.

not only that, but you felt something heavy resting on your head. you took out your phone and switched to the camera, facing it towards you and seeing schlatt with his eyes closed, peacefully sleeping with his head leaning against yours.

you took a couple pictures for teasing purposes later on.

as for the situation you were currently in, you didn't know what to do. should you wake him up? let him sleep? but it would be so boring just sitting here. maybe if you could move a tiny bit and let him rest on a pillow.

fall for me - jschlatt x reader Where stories live. Discover now