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*not proofread*

hi everyone, i hope you're all doing well. sorry for the late update, it took a while to get writing again. i feel like these last few chapters have been kind of... boring, but im working on it, i promise.

it's easier to write chapters that have a lot of emotions or some sort of plot which is why it's tough to make fillers while still trying to stick to the story theme.

sorry for the little rant but enjoy the new chapter!


           after lots of consideration and back and forth debating with yourself, you finally decided it was probably time to talk to clay and work everything out. you didn't want to lose him over a kiss, he was your best friend. he was with you throughout your tough times and it would be selfish to throw all of that away because of one mistake. 

schlatt had comforted you an hour before, telling you that it would only be awkward if you made it that way. his advice was to just admit what you're thinking and hope he's mature enough to accept it. you knew clay, he would be able to understand. you prayed he would.

picking up your phone, you clicked clay's contact and called it. it rang three times before he picked up, and you found yourself becoming nervous once again.

"hello? (y/n)?"

"uh, hi, clay," you started, catching your bottom lip between your teeth, "i wanted to talk."

"me too," he sounded apprehensive, scared. like he wasn't sure what to say. you could relate to that, which is why the two of you were silent for a few seconds after his words.

"im sorry if it seemed like i was giving off hints or mixed signals," you finally said.

"no," clay sighed, "im sorry for kissing you. i should've known. i thought that..." he trailed off, but you could already finish his sentence in your head.

"i wanna look past this, just be friends again," you told him, keeping schlatt's advice in mind and trying your best not to make it weird. you heard clay sigh again and you could imagine him rubbing a hand down his face as he spoke to you.

"i do, too. i really am sorry, (y/n). i was being ignorant at the hotel when you left because i was so sure that you were interested and being wrong just... hurt."

you weren't sure what his intention was behind saying that. was he trying to blame his wrong actions on you rejecting him? or was he truly apologizing? you decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and stick to him genuinely being sorry, but the other thought stuck in your mind.

"thats- its okay. we can just forget this happened."

"yeah, that would be good. thank you."

"im glad we talked, but i have to go. i told schlatt i'd call him after i spoke with you," the words left your mouth before you could even think about them. fuck. you realized that you shouldn't have mentioned schlatt, especially since you had led clay to believe that you hated since after the breakup. you held your breath as you waited for any sign that clay caught what you said.

"schlatt?" he breathed out, "i... thought you were done with him. he's bad for you."

that caught you off guard. you didn't think clay would be so ready to get back into your old flow like that. he didn't have any reason to say that about schlatt, and that wasn't just you being defensive.

"we're working things out as we go. starting fresh," you tried to keep the tone light, but you knew he had to have noticed how strained your voice sounded.

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