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hi, everyone! great to see you all again :) also, jschlatt's cat is SO FUCKING CUTE. omg. who doesn't love a man who owns a cat.

if i knew he was gonna get a cat i wouldn't have put chief in this story but its too late to go back now LMAO. anyways enjoy! <3


  after you and schlatt had confessed to each other that you loved one another, you had went back to your room and hung out for a while, watching a movie and chatting away.

he was in the shower currently, and you were waiting for him to finish in the kitchen. you heard him exit and grumble to himself as he made his way to your room, probably slipping into clothes and drying off his hair.

you had made toast and eggs for the both of you. it was played and steaming since it was just made, and once schlatt came out of your room his eyes immediately landed on the food.

"smells good," he commented, seating himself and digging into his plate. you did the same, enjoying his presence.

when he saw that you finished, he took your plate as well as his into the kitchen. he washed it quickly and went back to you, leaning back on the couch and patting his lap twice.

you eyed him suspiciously. was he going to kiss you? or did he just want you to sit in his lap? either way, you were going to do it. because why in the hell wouldn't you?

slowly, you slipped into his lap, straddling him. he grinned and placed both of his hands on your lower back comfortably. he reached one out and grabbed the remote, flicking the tv on for background noise.

he leaned into you and kissed you softly, pulling away almost immediately after. he just kept you there, grinning at you while stroking up and down your back.

you couldn't comprehend how much love you felt for him. as he held you softly in his arms, all you could think about was having him next to you. how lucky was it that he was in love with you?

he studied your face, reading your emotions like a book. he knew you better than you thought, he had spent more than enough time learning and noting down your mannerisms and nervous tells.

schlatt could accurately state almost exactly how you felt in any given moment, just by reading your body language and tics. the way you clenched your fist in uncomfortable situations proved to him that you felt nervous, the way you averted your gaze showed how you weren't comfortable with whoever was staring, the way you huffed out a short breath when you were annoyed. he could just tell.

you knew that, and it made you feel incredibly vulnerable and exposed, but not enough so to back away from him. given your last relationship was an actual train wreck, you decided that the best way to approach this new relationship was head-on. just dive into it; don't think, just do.

because he could read you like a god damn book, he could tell that you were a little off today. not quite your peppy, snarky self. he tilted his head, his eyes softening.

"somethin' wrong, (y/n)?" schlatt's grip on your hips tightened slightly, keeping you grounded.

you hesitated. but you knew that to make progress this relationship, you had to be open with him, and vice versa. this had to happen, you had to break down your walls and let him in.

anyway, it's not like anything was wrong with the relationship itself, you were more than happy and very in love. this was all just new to you, you needed a bit of time to adjust. you hadn't felt emotion this strong in a while.

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