not your type

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- 2820 words
*not proofread or edited*

hi everyone, sorry for the long wait.


it was the day of the party, and you were feeling more than nervous. it felt like a single gust of wind could shatter you into a million pieces, but you pushed yourself out of clays house and into his car. you two were driving the to airport, and would get there an hour or so before the party started, clay wanted to make sure of that.

you tried to blame the nausea you felt on fear of flying, but you didn't have that. it was hard to come to terms with the possibility that schlatt would be there, but it was time you got over him. maybe you'd get some closure. see how he's doing, move on, and live your life.

and that was the last time you thought of him until you landed in north carolina, a very slight breeze cooling down your overheating skin. you weren't hot just because of the sweater you (stupidly) decided to wear, but because of your overwhelming feelings.

you promised yourself to focus on not focusing on schlatt, but that method didn't seem to be working. it only made him cloud your mind.

it was stupid, you knew. god, you knew. it was stupid to get hung up on those feelings and pretend it was something bigger than it was. you two split up months ago, there's no reason to harbour any feelings. especially not these ones.

"(y/n), you okay? we're here," clay waved a hand in front of your face, noticing your lack of energy. you spared him a glance and a small smile before opening the car door and exiting, looking up at the hotel you two were going to be staying in.

you heard the trunk open and rushed back to help clay, who insisted that he would carry the suitcases by himself. you grabbed two bags regardless and walked with him into the building, checking in and grabbing your room keys.

you were pretty tired, clay had you up almost all night teaching you how to speed run minecraft. christ, he was so nerdy.

"this is a nice room!" clay said excitedly, putting the luggage down and jumping face down onto the bed. you heard him let out a huge sigh and you grinned, mimicking his actions and landing almost on top of him.

"mmm, im gonna nap after i shower," you mumbled into the clean sheets. sleeping in a hotel room just hit different.

"better hurry then. with a 30 minute shower, you'll only have like an hour to sleep before you have to get ready," clay replied, turning his head to look you in your eyes.

"i'll be quick."

clay nodded and you rushed off to go shower, eager to get into bed and get some shuteye. you didn't want to have eye bags when meeting new people.

-time skip-

      you were finally ready to leave, wearing (whatever outfit you want). clay was dressed in sweatpants with a plain tee and a flannel over top, obviously adorning his favourite bead bracelet.

"(y/n), i have something for you," clay called out, causing you to peek out from the bathroom where you were touching up your hair. he entered the bathroom and held out his hand.

you looked down and smiled, seeing a bracelet that matched his nestled softly in his palm. clay had wide eyes, which were looking at you intensely.

you took the bracelet gently and put it on your wrist, leaning in to give clay a friendly side-hug and kiss on the cheek.

"i love it! we're matching, that's awesome," you said excitedly. it was a pretty bracelet, and you appreciated the kind gesture that clay went out of his way to do.

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