i still love you

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- 2420 words
warnings: kind of smut? a little? idk but there's kissing.
*not proofread, will edit later*

thank you all for 39k reads and 1.1k votes! i am so grateful for all of you, it means more than words can say. i love you.

this chapter is a continuation of the last one instead of what i usually write (whole new day). this is my first time writing this sort of stuff but im practicing! sorry if it's kind of shit, i hope you all enjoy it nonetheless.


you didn't know if you had the strength to walk back into the party and act as if your ex didn't just pin you against the wall and tell you that he's your type. your heart was still hammering in your chest, and you had no idea how to feel.

what were you supposed to do when that happened? they don't teach you that in school. or anywhere, actually. you were unprepared for that situation. you spent so much time coming to terms with the fact that you would probably see him, but to have him push up against you and whisper in your ear? that was uncharted territory that you would never even have imagined happening, especially after a breakup.

taking a deep breath, you ignored the weakness in your knees as you tried to calm yourself enough to head back inside and finish the night. just a few more hours and you would be back at the hotel, then you could go back to florida, then back home.

you walked into the mansion and took one last settling breath before exhaling and climbing the stairs as slow as you could to delay the inevitable. you knew you would see clay, and he would be a constant reminder of what schlatt had said to you.

he's not your type.

you wished more than anything that schlatt would be wrong, that he could see you being happy with clay, but you knew that wasn't possible. as much as you hated it, schlatt was correct. clay wasn't your type. how could he be, after your relationship with schlatt? no one would ever live up to that, and you were furious. you knew you would never meet anyone as perfect for you as schlatt and that angered you more than anything.

schlatt was so confident, so fucking smug. he knew he was right, he could see through you. curse him for knowing you so well. it was scary how well he understood you, it was like constantly being vulnerable and having no choice but to trust the other person. just the mere thought was terrifying to you.

you tried not to indulge in those worries any longer as you stepped back into the stuffy room, holding your breath until you reached the drink bar. you sat on one of the stools and surveyed the crowd, subconsciously looking for schlatt. maybe it wasn't subconscious.

"there you are, i was looking for you," you contained the urge to sigh discontentedly when you heard clay's voice. he was your best friend, which means you should have been happy to talk to him, but after that chat with jay, you wanted nothing more than to go back to him.

"hey, i thought you were with george."

"i was, and a few other people came to talk so that's why i got held up. where did you go? your nose is red," you silently cursed the cold air for causing that.

"uh, just outside for a second. wanted to look at the decorations i saw when we were driving in," you lied, not meeting clay's eyes.

"oh, okay. it's a beautiful house, right?" clay asked, slipping into the free seat next to you. he stretched an arm around your shoulders, loosely applying his weight.

you hummed in agreement, your head full of too many thoughts. you heard clay ask for a beer and soon he had it in his hands, causally taking a sip now and then. he shouldn't have any, since he was the one driving, but whatever. he was a grown man.

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