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sorry for the late update, but hopefully this chapter can make up for it.

i removed callmecarson from this story due to the recent controversy and stuff. also, im giving some of them random girlfriends to go with the story.

it was the fourth day, and so far you and schlatt hadn't done anything but sit at home and play video games. turns out, schlatt couldn't play animal crossing even though it has to be one of the easiest game on the planet. he claimed he was a 'big strong man' and he didn't have time for silly kids toys.

wasnt he one of the people who brought back minecraft?

"mm, (y/n)? where are ya?"

"bathroom!" you called back to him. you heard him shuffle on the other side of the door.

"you busy?"

"im in the fucking bathroom, what do you think?"

"shut up. can i come in?"

"sure," you were only fixing your hair so it didn't matter that he wanted to come in. he entered and paused for a second, drinking the sight of you in.

"so, teds throwing a house warming party and he invited us. just wanted to know if you're cool with going," he smiled deviously, "we don't have to if ya don't want to. im sure we could find a way to occupy ourselves here."

you rolled your eyes at the innuendo. he had been doing that a lot today, hinting subtly and making little jokes like that. you didn't mind, it was actually fun to tease back and forth.

you hadn't done anything other than flirt back, but you wanted to catch him off guard this time. surely, he was expecting you to come back with some sort of witty response and then drop it, but you didn't want that.

you smiled at him, moving closer and forcing his back against the door. you placed your hand on his chest and though his face had a smirk and he seemed calm, his heart was racing under your palm.

you moved that hand to his hair, weaving your fingers in it and tugging him closer. his lips were inches away from yours, and you moved close enough so that you two were brushing together.

he inhaled sharply but kept his hands to himself, unsure of what the boundaries were at this point. you appreciated it, and it was adorable how respectful he was of you.

"as much as i'd love to stay and occupy ourselves here, i want to get some fresh air," you mumbled. you figured he wouldn't care what you said, and you were right. he didn't reply, only closed his eyes and waited for you to make a move.

christ, it was tempting. it would be so easy to push forward just a smidge and join your lips together, but you knew that if you did, you probably wouldn't be going to that party. you really did want fresh air, that part wasn't just to tease him.

anyway, you two were just friends.

at least, that's what you kept telling yourself. it would be better that way, you weren't capable of handling someone like schlatt, and vice versa.

"m'sure ted wouldn't mind if we were late," he replied, struggling to stay still and fight the urge to kiss you.


he nodded, his eyes fluttering open slightly. you laughed and pulled away from him, ignoring the huff of annoyance he let out as you moved.

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