north carolina

4.2K 113 194

- 2230 words

*not proofread, will edit later*

hi guys! welcome back. first off, thank you so much to @narmkawi for the new cover, i love it. if any of you have any artwork or anything you'd like to share, i would be more than happy to put it in my chapters and credit you; just tag me!

second, thank you for 30k reads and 900 votes! i never thought this story would get attention like this. it blows my mind every day how lucky i am to have all of you. it's a bonus that you're all funny too.

third, go check out @1-800-BisexualSimp's schlatt x (fem)reader story, show her some love! 

also im sorry for the last two chapters LOL don't hate me. enjoy this chapter <3


it was now the 6 month mark of your breakup with schlatt. you managed to bottle your emotions back in and continue streaming and editing videos, as well as putting aside time to train bullet and make sure he was getting the proper exercise he needed. on top of all of that, you decided to start volunteering at earl's adoption (the place you got bullet from), not doing any of the medication or anything, but just making sure to keep the dogs engaged and healthy.

that was enough to keep your thoughts off of schlatt, but unfortunately you'd be lying if you said he didn't cross your mind ever so often.

ally, the sweet girl who helped you with bullet turned out to be a great friend and an even better coworker. she was the person you went to when you wanted to vent. you had clay, but it was different venting to someone in real life than over the phone. not that clay hadn't been great help. he was always there for you, especially throughout your rather rough breakup.

you looked down at your phone, seeing a new notification on imessage. you opened it, checking who messaged you. clay's contact showed up and you smiled before reading his message. it simply said, 'call me when you get the chance :)'.

so you quickly rang him, waiting for him to pick up. it didn't take long.

"hey, (y/n)! what're you doing?"

"nothing, you? what did you need?"

"im not doing much either. you know how i'm friends with jimmy, right?"

"jimmy, as in mr beast jimmy?"

"yeah, mr beast jimmy," clay laughed a little, "well, he said he's throwing this thing at his place, and he wanted me to go. he said to bring a plus one, so obviously i thought about you. but don't feel like you need to go or anything."

you thought about it for a second. it might be nice to get out of the house and go socialize, maybe meet some new people no matter how nerve wracking it could be. sure, you were usually one to back away from social gatherings and seclude yourself, but this could be a good opportunity to help yourself grow. it wouldn't be a bad thing to know more youtubers, since it would ultimately equal more content for everyone involved.

"yeah, uh, i'll go. what should i wear? is there like, a dress-code?"

"no, just casual. it's supposed to be hot that week," clay told you, "oh, i forgot to tell you, it's in four days. so i was thinking i can fly you over here and we can go to north carolina together?"

"oh, i forgot he doesn't live in new york. yeah, that sounds good, but you don't have to pay for my ticket."

"don't worry about it, it's already done. your flights the day after tomorrow at 5pm, i'll be at the airport to pick you up. i'm so excited!"

you smiled at clay's enthusiasm. you were excited too, you couldn't wait to see him again. you were also excited to see jimmy's house, you'd never really seen a mansion in person. this was going to be fun.

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