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Important things to note:

- Some characters, especially the female main character, are from the United Kingdom. As such they will use British English rather than American English. 

- This book is set 1 year and 4/5 months ahead of His Daredevil.

Chapter One - Fresh Start

Charlotte Davidson's P.O.V.


I jump out of my skin before quickly shoving the picture back into my bag. Turning to the sound of footsteps I smile at my grandmother when she enters my room. Her bright blue eyes stray to my bag and she gives me a knowing look. I sag in defeat as she sits beside me and squeezes my shoulder.

"You still think about them after what they did to you?" She huffs and shakes her head.

"Only sometimes." I smile weakly before standing.

It all started seven years ago when I had just turned eighteen. I had met a guy, Liam Wright, when I used to live in London, UK. He was sweet, caring and so charming in the start but things quickly changed after I moved in with him.

He became violent and controlling, even more so when alcohol was involved. It became so toxic and I had made up my mind to leave him. Then I became pregnant. He didn't want the commitment and we broke up. I didn't hear from him after he packed up his things and left.

My relationship with my family was already strained due to them not liking Liam. I had continued to date him regardless and moved in with him. When I broke the news that I was pregnant I was immediately disowned. I never asked them for anything. I just wanted to tell them that I was going to have a baby but I guess that was their breaking point.

I was hurting and so scared. I struggled to complete college and had a difficult pregnancy. My best friends, Jessica, Poppy and Jacob, were incredibly supportive of me but it still hurt that my whole family had cut contact with me. I didn't think life could get any better for me until I gave birth to Aria.

My whole world changed when I looked into my daughter's stormy grey eyes. She looked exactly like Liam except for her eyes which she inherited from me. I became more determined to give her a better life. I worked odd jobs here and there to provide for her.

But a month ago, while I was in London, my grandmother finally convinced me to make the move to Texas. I had never wanted to leave where I grew up but when she told me about a job as a lecturer in one of the universities there I applied immediately. After an online interview I landed myself the position.

I used to mostly work as a waitress in a café so the prospect of creating a better life for Aria was all I needed to uproot our lives in the UK and move. And just a week ago we arrived in Dallas, Texas – our new home.

"You don't have anything to worry about here. It's a nice neighborhood with an even nicer community. Aria and you are safe." My grandmother, Melinda or Mel for short, smiles reassuringly.

My grandmother is from my Dad's side and has been my rock throughout it all. She hates dad for disowning me and not supporting me during my pregnancy, especially when she found out about Liam's behavior and how he left me because of it. Dad never gave her details of my whereabouts so she didn't find out what had happened until after I had given birth.

Sadly, my grandfather passed away two years ago so she's been living here on her own since. But she loves the community and seems happy which is all that matters. She has bright blue eyes with white hair that she keeps in a low bun most of the time. Her skin is tan but wrinkled with age yet she still looks gorgeous in my opinion.

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