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***Important note: I have never been to New York so if anything is incorrect please let me know to improve the book. Thank you in advance! ❤️***

Chapter Twenty - The Big Apple

A few days later in New York.

Me and Aria knock on the door of room 128 and I smile when I hear rushed footsteps. Jessica throws the door open and screams when she sees us. Jacob groans and tells her to be quiet before he and Poppy join in on the group hug. They pull us in and we take a seat on the bed and chairs.

"I've missed you guys so much!" Poppy sighs happily as she pulls Aria against her in a hug. "Did you miss me Ari?"

"Yeah!" She exclaims with a nod and I chuckle when Poppy becomes putty in her hands.

"Oh, I just love you!" She pinches her cheeks before kissing them.

Jessica and Jacob show equal love which Aria accepts eagerly. They've always spoilt her and she adores spending time with them. We bring each other up to speed about our lives, jobs, and Aria's school. Because we all had breakfast before meeting up we're ready to head out early to start our sightseeing plans of Manhattan.

"I think today is definitely the day they take the huge Christmas tree down at Rockefeller Centre. We can head there and then pop over to the ice rink?" Jessica suggests and I nod in agreement.

"Yes! I can't wait! Let's go!" Aria grins before running to the elevator.

We laugh at her enthusiasm before stepping inside and going down to the lobby. Zoe will be joining us tomorrow as she wanted to give me and my friends some time to catch up. Thankfully, she's sent me tons of recommendations of the famous sights to check out as well as food places near them.

We take a taxi to the center and marvel at the Christmas tree. After taking some pictures of it and ourselves we head over to the ice-skating rink next. I help Aria put her skates on before she gets on the rink with Jacob and Jessica. I step on next with Poppy following behind and we burst into giggles when I almost lose my balance.

"A little rusty are we?" She winks and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Let me hold your hand please." I beg and she takes it with a loud laugh.

We skate up to the others before going around the rink a few times. The place is buzzing with people but I still manage to hear Aria's excited squeals and laughter which makes me smile. I'm happy she's having fun already and hope that she doesn't get bored of walking around after.

Me and Poppy decide to take a break and lean against the rails. I watch the others for a while before turning to her. I always do this every time we meet but I constantly feel anxious before I ask her, perhaps because of the impending hurt.

"How is...uh...how are –"

"Harry and his wife had a baby girl last week." Poppy tells me about my brother with a gentle smile.

Poppy's mother is best friends with mine. It's how we met and became friends too. Ever since my parents cut contact with me she's been my source of news of what my family is up to. I tried many times to reach out to my siblings but my parents really brainwashed them. Harry was graduating college that year and did nothing but berate me for "ruining my own life." At first I put it down to stress but my friends ripped that band aid off just as quick.

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